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The Lengend of Matsu Matsu was born on the Meizhou Island in Fujian province. Her middle-aged parents, the Lins, already had six other children wanted a girl. Her mother prayed to the goddess Guan Yin for another daughter. Hearing her fervent prayers, Guan Yin came to her in a dream, giving her a flower blossom to eat that caused her to conceive the next day. The day when she was born, the room was filled with a brilliant light and fragrance. As a newborn, she was strangely slient. she did not cry ai all during the first month of her life. So her parents named her Lin Moniang. It became apparent that Moniang was endowed with remarkbale intelliigence and photographic memory in the course of her growth. Moniang was given the ability to predict changes in the weather and announce when it was a safe time for sailors and fishermen to set out to sea. The Development of Matsu Belief Starting in the Song Dynasty, it was a local belief in Putian area. Locals worshipped her as a goddess. The belief of Matsu spread quickly in the Yuan Dynasty .The Yuan Dynasty made Dadu (Beijing today) as its capital, leaving a large quantity of food must be transported to Dadu from Jiangnan by sea. The role of Matsu became increasing important owned to the risk of sea freight. In the Ming Dynasty, the Matsu belief reached its peak as a global belief, spread by Zheng He , immigrants and merchants from China. The belief of Matsu was a common folk religion in Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty as people living in the coastal area in southern Fujian often crossed the Taiwan Strait to make a living. Most voyagers prayed to Matsu for a safe voyage. The Lengend of Matsu 马祖出生在福建省湄洲岛。她中年的父母,林父和林母,已经有六个孩子,但还想要一个女孩。她母亲祈求女神观音让她生下另一个女儿。听到她的祈祷,观音来到她的梦中,给她一朵花,结果林母吃下这朵花吃后第二天就怀孕了。 当她出生的那一天,房间里充满了明亮的光线和香味。作为一个新生儿,,她异常地沉默。生命中的第一个月她没有哭。所以她的父母给她取名林默娘。 很明显,在默娘的成长过程中,她被赋予了非凡的智力和过目不忘的能力。默娘拥有预测天气变化的能力,并通知水手和渔民向大海出发的安全时间。 The Development of Matsu Belief 从宋代开始,这是在莆田地区的一种当地的信仰。当地


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