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It happened on 09,12,1935,Beijing It was a patriotic(有爱国心的) and democratic(民主的) movement that led by the Chinese Communist Party (中国共产党) The main power in the movement were college students. The purpose of the movement was against the non-resistance policy of Kuomintang (国民党的不抵抗政策)and to promote anti-Japanese actively(积极抗日). On December 9th, 1935, Beijing , six thousand students broke the Kuomintang military police block and held a demonstration. Unarmed(赤手空拳的) students are weak in front of weapons. In danger of losing lives, they did not fear. Their orderly troop(队伍)had been broken up , part of the students fell down and the red blood dyed the Chang an street,, but they became more strong, more exciting. Long - distance race Chorus(合唱) competition 一二·九运动 The December 9th movement BY 方叶子 注会2班 2012.12.10 THE BACKGROUND In 1930‘s, Japan invaded the Northeast of China and they attempted to make the second Puppet State(伪满洲共和国). 2011年11月2日,美国安全化妆品运动联盟表示,强生婴儿洗发水中含有可致癌的二恶烷以及季铵盐15。美国、中国、加拿大等5国市场所售产品中仍含有该物质。 10月份,奢侈品品牌Gucci被指在华用工双重标准,并爆发“虐工门”,让这个一向在中国口碑不错的奢侈品企业,一夜之间成了千夫所指的“血汗工厂”。 This report was published by the Qinghua university, it set six demands including ending the civil war(停止内战) and releasing students who are arrested . 2011年11月2日,美国安全化妆品运动联盟表示,强生婴儿洗发水中含有可致癌的二恶烷以及季铵盐15。美国、中国、加拿大等5国市场所售产品中仍含有该物质。 > On Dec 16th, 44 schools in Beijing of about 10 thousand people have the second demonstration. More than twenty students were captured and more than 400 students were injured. Soon the demonstration spread throughout the country, raising the national movement of defending homeland and against the Japanese . Kuomintang government used military force to repress the student movement. Significance This movement received support throughout our whole country and gave rise to a new upsurge (新高潮)of resisting Japan and saving the nation.


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