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Task 4--- Writing about yourself My name is _____________ I am _________ years old I live in ________. I was born in_______ I have _______ hair and _______ eyes. I love __________________. I am good at_____________ My friends think I am _____. I think ______ * * 本课时设计目的: 注重语言点和知识点的学习,同时更要注 意对学习能力的培养。不断灌输英语学习中 新的文化情感态度策略的培养。 本课时教学目的: 重点在使用所学的语言现象来描述自己 或他人。 Millie 12 years old love reading in the Reading Club Kitty 11 years old love reading work hard Task 1- Talking about the six students. be born in Shanghai love playing football Simon Amy be good at swimming have short hair not very tall live in Beijing Sandy come from Beijing like listening to music have long black hair Daniel wear glasses enjoy playing computer games be polite and helpful Task 2- Talking about some people . Say something about her/him. be born in Shanghai be born on September 12th 2.26 metres tall basketball player singer be born in Chengdu love singing and dancing have short hair Talk about the table Hobbies × × × Glasses short long short long Hair Selina Nicholas Cecilia Pan will Talk about the table like this : A: Is Selina’s hair long ? B: … A: Does Nicholas wear glasses ? B: … A: What’s Pan Will’s hobby ? B: … Fill in the blanks with the information Selina has long hair .She loves_________. She does not wear glasses. Cecilia has ________ hair ,too .She is tall and slim . She does not wear glasses,too.She likes ________. Nicholas has ________ hair . He ________ glasses .He likes water skiing . Pan will has _______ hair ,too . He does not wear glasses .He loves playing _____________ very much . swimming long dancing short wears short basketball Some useful phrases : …岁 years old 喜欢阅读 love reading 出生在… be born in … 住在 live in 放学后 after school 来自 come / be from 在阅读兴趣小组 in the Reading Club 踢足球 play football Some useful ph


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