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重点单词复习 1.时间;钟点 2.给;为 3.翻转;旋转 4.图片;照片 5.灯 6.对的;正确的,合适的 7.黑板 8.字,词;话语 9.站,立 10.坐 11.打开 12.关闭 13.朗读;阅读 14.书写;写作 15.在… 之后 16.又,再 17.回答;答复 18.欢迎 19.门 20.窗户 21.清洁的,干净的 22.书桌,写字台 23.椅子 24.地图 25.风扇 26.计算机,电脑 27.中国 28.任何数量;任一 29.艺术;美术 30.音乐;乐曲 31.卫生间 32.操场,运动场 33.图书馆 34.学习,研究 35、是...的时候了 36、起立;站立 37、坐下 38、翻到 39、(某处)有 40、写下;记下 41、练习本 42、阅读室 43、多少 1.time (1)是该上学的时间了。 __________________________ __________________________ (2)It’s time for us _________(have) lunch. (3)What time is it?(同义句) _______ _______ ______? 2.answer v.请回答我的问题 _____________________ n. 答复;回答 ( ) Can you tell me the answer _____the question? A. of B. to C. for D. on 3.clean v. 打扫,使干净 adj.干净的 The desk is not ____.Please ______the desk. The doors and windows ______ _________(都是干净的). 4.China/Chinese China 中国 Chinese n.中国人;中文,汉语 adj.中国的 Tom can speak _________. We are all _________. He is from _______,he is________. 5.any用于否定句或疑问句中 (1)There aren’t______ books on the desk,but there are _____ exercise books. (2)There are some boys on the playground.(改为一般疑问句) __________________________? any用在肯定句中,意为“任何的” If you have any trouble ,please let me know. 一、根据中文提示填空: 1.Please read these________(字) on the blackboard. 2.Can you ________(回答)the question in the exercise book? 3.Write down your ________(答案) in your test paper. 4.There are two ________(电脑) in my house. 5.How many __________(电脑)rooms are there in your school? 6.The floor is always ________ (清洁的) in the class. 7.You can_______(学习) in the room. 8.There are two _________(书房) in my house. 9.We live on the first ________( 层) in this building. 10. Don’t be late for meeting______ (再). 11.There aren’t _______(一些) books on the desk. 12.Are there two_________(图书馆) in your school? 13.Do you want to have a good_____ (工作)? 14. How many _______(班级)are there in your school? 15.Good morning,_______


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