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SA8000标准的双重效应分析 The Analysis of the Double Effect of SA8000 Standard 毕业论文中文摘要 SA8000标准的双重效应分析 摘 要:近年来,SA8000社会责任认证标准已逐渐成为我国外贸企业出口的一道门槛,特别是对我国劳动密集型外贸企业出口产生较大影响。本文针对近年来发达国家借用蓝色条款,极力推行将“劳工标准”与国际贸易挂钩的情况,分析SA8000标准给我国外贸企业所带来的双重效应,并提出我国作为劳动密集型产品出口大国应积极通过SA8000社会责任认证标准,外贸企业应进一步转变贸易增长方式,增强社会责任感,实现社会经济持续和谐发展,以此来跨越新的障碍,提高我国外贸企业尤其是劳动密集型企业的国际竞争力。而目前全球性的金融危机也使我国出口产品减少,在这样的大背景下,我国应该逐步提高劳动力的最低工资标准,扩大内需,以应对更多的挑战。 关键词:SA8000标准;社会责任;双重效应 毕业论文外文摘要 The Analysis of the Double Effect of SA8000 Standard Abstract: In recent years, the authentic standard of SA8000 social responsibility has become a threshold for domestic enterprises engaging in foreign trade and exerted special influence on exportation of those labor-intensive ones. More and more developed countries are inclined to push the labor standard to be linked with the international trade by implementing the SA8000 standard, and in this thesis we first stated this new international trade trend, and then we analyzed the dual effect of this new standard to the foreign trade enterprises of developing countries. On this basis, we put forward that as an important export country of labor- intensive products, China should implement SA8000 system actively and the foreign trade enterprises should transform the trade growth mould, enhance the sense of social responsibility, and realize the sustainable and harmonious development of social economy so that we can use SA8000 system as an effective tool to break through this new barrier and enhance the international competitiveness. The current global financial crisis has also reduced our export products, in this background, the minimum wage of Chinas labor force should be gradually raised, expanding domestic demand to cope with more challenges. Keywords: SA8000 standard;Social responsibility;Double effect 目 录 1 绪论 1 2 SA8000标准 1 2.1 SA8000标准的起源 1 2.2 SA8000标准产生的原因分析 2 2.3 SA8000标准的应用现状 3 3 SA8000标准对我国对外贸易的影响 6 3.1 SA8000标准对我国对外贸易的正面影响 6 3.2 SA8000标准对我国对外贸易的负面影响 9 4 我国应对SA8


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