第五 植物体内有机物的代谢.ppt

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第 五 章 植物体内有机物的代谢 本章重点和难点: 一、植物体内有机物质的次级代谢; 二、植物次级产物的合成途径。 第一节 各类有机物代谢的相互关系 蔗糖、淀粉等有机物来源于光合作用,通过呼吸作用分解产生各种中间产物。 C3循环、EMP、TCA和PPP筑成了有机物代谢的主干。 糖和脂肪、蛋白质、核酸之间都可以相互转变。 丙酮酸、乙酰COA、α-酮戊二酸、草酰乙酸等中间产物起着枢纽作用。 Plant Secondary Metabolism Plant metabolic pathways are linked These linkages include several key carbon-based primary metabolites(初级代谢物) As plants evolved, they found new (secondary) ways to use metabolites Random mutations lead to a variety of specialized plant secondary compounds 葡萄糖 第二节 植物体内的次级产物 次级产物: 是植物体内由糖类等有机物代谢衍生而来的物质。贮存在液泡或细胞壁中,是代谢的中产物,不再参与代谢。 次级产物具有重要作用: ⑴是植物生命活动所必需的,如IAA、GA; 叶绿素和类葫萝卜素及花色素;木质素等, ⑵是植物组织色、香、味的主要构成成分, ⑶是药业或工业的重要原料。 植物的次级产物可分3类: 酚类、萜类、含氮次级化合物 萜类的种类: 萜类是以异戊二烯(isoprene)为单位组成的,按其数目,可分为: 单萜(monoterpene)、倍半萜(sesquiterpene)、 双萜(diterpene)、 三萜(triterpene)、 四萜(tetraterpene)、 多萜(polyterpene)。 CH3 头 CH2 = C CH = CH2 尾 Terpenoids: The largest group Formed from 5-C subunits (isoprene) synthesized from G-3-P, pyruvate, and acetyl-CoA Compounds have from 10 to 40 carbons Some terpenoids have functions in growth and development Plant hormones (gibberellins, abscisic acid) ???? Accessory pigments in photosynthesis Most terpenoids act as herbivory deterrents and are a prime example of a “biochemical arms race” Monoterpenes (C-10) Pyrethroid insecticides拟除虫菊脂 Conifer resins松脂 Plant-plant defensive Communication防御沟通???? Deter pest ???? Attract pest predators Essential oils(Essential oils are often stored in surface glands表面腺细胞) Sesquiterpenes (C-15) Herbivory deterrents威慑草食动物 (generalized) Bitterness Examples include sagebrush山艾树 and sunflower向日葵 Diterpenes (C-20) Toxins and irritants毒与刺激 (generalized) Resins from some trees to seal herbivore induced wounds松脂封闭取食伤口 Human use has adapted these compounds to anti-cancer drugs (Taxol紫杉醇 from Pacific yew紫杉) Tri-terpenes (C-30) More specialized toxins Steroid in structu


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