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Learning Objectives . to review new words we have learnt . to learn to understand the content of listening . to grasp the main idea of passage 根据句意及所给单词的首字母提示,写出该单词的正确形式 1.-----To my surprise, Mrs Li_______________________(未出席)the flower show last Sunday. ---Well, shew was ill in hospital. 2.----Michal, could you please_________________________(关上) the doors and windows? -----Sure. 3.My father brought a nice _____________________(时钟)for me on my 11th birthday. 4.Luckily, none of the___________________________(乘客) got hurt in the accident. 5.-----Mike, your mobile phone is___________________________(鸣响). ------Okay. Im coming! Summarize the main idea of this passage Bettys parents are going to Lhasa to go on business. Betty cannot go with them because she has to go to school. This passage mainly tells about separation(分离)between Betty and her parents. In the station, Bettys parents tell her what should do and what should not do when she is at home alone. Betty makes a promise that she can look after herself, although it wont be easy for her. * * v. 未出席;未出现 v. 关上;合上 v. 鸣响;发出铃声 n. 乘客;旅客 n. 钟;时钟 Words and expressions miss shut ring passenger clock missed shut clock passenges ringing Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it won’t be easy for me. Module 4 HOME ALONE 1. Have you had the experience of being at home alone for a few days? 2. Could you look after yourself? 3. Is it easy for you? 1. What are the advantages ?and?disadvantages?of being at home alone? Advantages free happy Disadvantages lonely sad afraid dangerous 2. If your parents are out, what will you do? Lock the door well Clean the room If my parents are out, I will… Watch TV Play games Listen to music 3. When you were left alone at home, what did your parents ask you to do or not to do? Have you been left alone at home? What did your parents ask you to do or not to do? Remember your paren


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