强暴下的圣洁与卑贱——《羊脂球》与《金陵十三钗》人物形象之比较 毕业论文.doc

强暴下的圣洁与卑贱——《羊脂球》与《金陵十三钗》人物形象之比较 毕业论文.doc

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强暴下的圣洁与卑贱——《羊脂球》与《金陵十三钗》人物形象之比较 院 系:新闻与法学学院 班 级:汉语言文学0801班 姓 名: 学 号:20081401001 指导老师: 2012年 5月 强暴下的圣洁与卑贱 —《羊脂球》与《金陵十三钗》 人物形象之比较 The Holiness and Vileness under the Rape —Compare the Characters of Boule de Suif and The Flowers of War 摘 要 本文以莫泊桑的《羊脂球》和严歌苓的《金陵十三钗》为研究对象,通过作品中不同人物形象的比较分析来阐释人物背后的精神意蕴和人性意义。在残酷的战争历史背景下,作为最下层的卑贱人群,羊脂球、赵玉墨、豆蔻、红菱等妓女的形象在经历一系列事件之后实现了由卑贱到圣洁的蜕变,她们以自身特有的抗争方式展现了人性最光辉最灿烂的灵魂;相反,作为高层地位的高贵人物,资产阶级上流社会的绅士贵妇,比如鸟夫妇、伯爵夫妇、科尔尼代等等,却表现得更加卑鄙龌龊,像书娟、神父等一类对妓女们持有偏见的人们,也因妓女们的自我牺牲精神而得以灵魂重塑。本文就是通过分析这些人物各自分明的形象特点,挖掘人性中多角度多层面的善恶美丑。主要观点就在于人的高低贵贱,不能因外在所拥有的物质来衡量;人性高贵卑劣只有在面对强暴威胁时才能真正得以彰显。一个灵魂的是非善恶只有在凛冽的迫害与磨砺中才会变得透彻而分明。 关键词:强暴 妓女 卑贱 圣洁 Abstract This thesis is aimed to take Maupassants Boule de Suif and Yan Gelings the flowers of war as the research object, through comparatively analysing the works of different characters to explain the spiritual connotation and the sense of human nature behind the characters. In the background of the brutal history in the war, as people in the lower base, suet ball, Zhao Yumo, Doukou, Hongling and other prostitute image experienced a series of events that followed and were changed from humble to noble ,and they showed the most glorious struggle of human nature and the most brilliant soul in their own ways ; instead, as the noble character in a senior position, gentlemen and ladies of bourgeois society, such as the couple of Bird, Earl couple, and so on, were the more sordid, and a kind of people like Shujuan, father hold prejudice against prostitutes, but also remodeled their souls because of the prostitutes’ spirit of sacrificing themselves. This article is expounding humanity of the beauty of good and evil in many angles and layers based on the analysis of these characters and image features. The main point of view is that what’s high and what’s low should not measured by the external substance; human nobility and despicability were manifested only in face of violent threats. That a


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