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The Delicious Desserts All Over the World 金融1302班 杨翔岚 Lemon Meringue Tart 柠檬蛋白馅饼 Chocolate pastry 巧克力松饼 Parfait 冰欺凌水果冻 Profiterole 巧克力酥球 Click on the area of interest Click to finish The first destination——Austria Sachertorte Sachertorte (is a chocolate cake, invented by Franz Sacher in 1832 for in Vienna, Austria. It is one of the most famous Viennese(威尼斯人) culinary(烹饪) specialties. The Original Sachertorte is only made in Vienna and Salzburg(萨尔茨保,奥地利地名)), and is shipped from both locations. The only place where the Original Sacher Torte is available outside of Austria is in the Sacher shop of Bolzano(博尔扎诺,意大利地名), Italy. The second destination——Italia Tiramisu 提拉米苏 Tiramesù is one of the most popular Italian cakes. Generally, it is made of savoiardi (意大利饼干or 手指饼干) dipped in espresso(kind of milk coffee) or strong coffee or rum(朗姆酒), layered with a whipped mixture of egg yolks(蛋黄), mascarpone(马斯卡普尼干酪,一种牛奶软干酪,意大利) cheese, and sugar, and topped with cocoa. Back 提拉米苏(Tiramisu)意大利原文是“带我走”的意思。关于Tiramisu的由来,流传过一个温馨的故事:Tiramisu最早起源于二战时期,一个意大利士兵即将开赴战场,可是家里已经什么也没有了,心急如焚的爱人没有时间烤制精美的蛋糕,为了给他准备干粮,只好把家里所有能吃的饼干、面包胡乱混合了鸡蛋可可粉蛋糕条做成粗陋速成的一个点心。她挂着汗珠,闪着泪光递上的食物虽然简单,却满怀着深深的爱意。所以,这份点心的另一个含义是“记住我”。每当这个士兵在战场上吃到提拉米苏就会想起他的家,想起家中心爱的人。 The third destination——Paris Macaron 马卡龙(杏仁小圆饼) It is meringue-based(蛋白糖饼): made from a mixture of egg whites, almond(杏仁) flour, and both granulated and confectionery sugar. 它的由来可追溯至19世纪的蛋白杏仁饼;蛋白杏仁饼于1792年在意大利中的修道院发明。英文名字从意大利词Maccarone获得(意为杏仁酱)。在法国大革命期间,二位加尔默罗修会的修女掩藏南希镇中,烘烤和售卖蛋白杏仁饼来赚生活费用。因而出名,人称“蛋白杏仁饼姐妹”。蛋白杏仁饼食谱传到欧洲的阿肯纳西犹太人,成为逾越节膳食。 END Thanks~


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