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Chapter Two Data Numbering and Character Encoding System in Microcomputer 计算机中的数制和编码 (3) Summary Most modern computer systems use the binary numbering system to represent values. Since binary values are somewhat unwieldy, we’ll often use the hexadecimal representation in our assembly programs.A single hexadecimal digit consumes four binary digits (bits), and we call a group of four bits a nibble. The 80x86 works best with groups of bits which are eight, 16, or 32 bits long. We call objects of these sizes bytes, words, and double words, respectively. In order to talk about specific bits within a nibble, byte, word, double word, or other structure, we’ll number the bits starting at zero (for the least significant bit) on up to n-1(where n is the number of bits in the object) Summary There are many operations we can perform on binary values including normal arithmetic (+, -, *, and /) and the logical operations (AND, OR, XOR, NOT, Shift Left, Shift Right, Rotate Left, and Rotate Right). Logical AND, OR, XOR, and NOT are typically defined for single bit operations. We can extend these to n bits by performing bitwise operations. The shifts and rotates are always defined for a fixed length string of bits. There are two types of integer values which we can represent with binary strings on the 80x86: unsigned integers and signed integers. The 80x86 represents unsigned integers using the standard binary format. It represents signed integers using the two’s complement format. Summary Character data is probably the most common data type encountered besides integer values. The IBM PC and compatibles use a variant of the ASCII character set – the extended IBM/ASCII character set. The first 128 of these characters are the standard ASCII characters, 128 are special characters created by IBM for international languages, mathematics, and line drawing. Since the use of the ASCII character set is so common in modern programs, familiarity with this character set is essential. Que


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