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* The Structure of “more…than…” Translation Introduction Not all sentences with the structure of “more…than…” can be translated into Chinese as “比······多” or “超过”. Occasionally, this structure has some other implications. more…than…/more than… 译为“与其说······,不如说······”;“不是······,而是······” e.g. His works seem more like a collection of separate scenes than a single novel. 他的作品与其说是一部小说,倒不如说是情节的集锦。 e.g. My upbringing had been more that of a wild boy than that of a young lady. 我早年所受的教养使我不大像一个娇小姐,倒 很像一个野孩子。 e.g. It is far more common for boys and girls to talk too quickly than too slowly. 男孩子和女孩子说起话来,不是太慢,倒是太快。 e.g. She said softly, more to herself than to me. 她温和地说,不大像对我说,倒很像在自言自语。 more…than…/more than… 译为“不” e.g. The traveler entertained him with stories, some of which were really more than could be believed. 过往旅客讲了一些故事给他听,其中有些简直不能相信。 e.g. The beauty of this city is more than words can describe. 这个城市之美不是言语所能描绘的 。 more…than…/more than… 译为“ 除了······以外” e.g. What more have we got to guide us in nine-tenths of the most important affairs of daily life than hypotheses? 除了假设以外,我们还有什么别的来指导日常生活中十之八九最重要的事情呢? more than… 译为“不只”、“不仅仅” e.g. Peace is much more than the absence of war. 和平远远不只是意味着没有战争。 1. According to the survey based on responses from over 188, 000 students, today’s college beginners are “more consumeristic and less idealistic than” at any time in the seventeen years of the poll. 根据以188, 000多名学生的答卷为基础的调查,当今的大学新生比这项民意测验开始以来的17 年中的任何时候的大学新生都“更主张消费,但少了点理想”。 2. There’s a lot more to life than a job. 人生的意义远远不止是谋生。 *


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