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英译汉常用的方法和技巧(上) 第一节:词义的选择、引伸 和褒贬 第二节:词类转译法 第三节:增词法 第四节:重复法 第五节:省略法 第六节:正反、反正表达法 第一节 词义的选择、引申 和褒贬 I.词义的选择 A.根据句子中的一个词的词类来选择和确定词义 sound:n. “声音”; v. “发声”或“测量深度”; adj. “健康的”或“正确的”。 Air carries sound. sound noun: 1.sth that you can hear a high/low sound the different sounds and smells of the forest 2. the effect that is produced by the music of a particular singer or group of musicians I like their sound. 3. impression the sound of sth. From the sound of things you were lucky to find him. 4. water ( of place names) a narrow passage of water that joins two larger areas of water syn:strait海湾 verb 1.??? give impression His voice sounded strange on the phone. 2.??? sounding fine-sounding words 3.??? produce sound The bell sounded for the end of the class. 4.??? give warning/signal When I saw the smoke, I tried to sound the alarm. 5.??? produce You don’t sound the “b” in the word comb. 6.??? measure depth adj. 1. reliable the reach a sound conclusion 2. thorough a sound knowledge/understanding of sth. He has a sound grasp of the issue. 3. not damaged/hurt We arrived home safe and sound. The house needs attention but the roof is sound. 4.sleep: deep and peaceful to have a sound night’s sleep 5. good, but not excellent a sound piece of writing 6. physical punishment to give sb. a sound beating 1.In the first round our football team has had three wins and one defeats. 2.The earth rounds the sun. 3.The earth is round. 4.The exciting news soon carried round. 5.The earth goes round the sun. B.根据一个词在上下文中与其他词的逻辑关系和搭配关系来确定词义 This method worked very well. 这种方法行之有效。 2. It is due to the invention of the computer that man has been able to work so many wonders in the past few decades. 正是由于发明了电子计算机,人类才能够在过去的几十年中创造出这么多的奇迹。 C.根据专业内容来确定词义 1.A porter is a baggage carrier. 搬运工就是搬运行李的人。 2. Flies and mosquitoes are carriers of infectious diseases. 苍蝇和蚊子是传染病的传播者。 3. The solder glass is in a powdered form and is suspended in a liquid carrier for ea


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