Letters of Complaint投诉函翻译.ppt

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Section C Building Up More Skills 知识拓展—正反译法 正反译法 例11 【原文】 We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life 例12 【原文】 The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him. 例13 【原文】 他的暗示没有引起我的注意。 Key : 【译文】 我们要永远对生活抱乐观的态度 【译文】 归国的念头始终萦绕在他的心中。 【译文】 His hint escaped my notice. (二)反说正译 Unit 2 Translation of Advertising Texts Unit 2 Translation of Advertising Texts Letters of Complaint 投诉函翻译 能力目标与知识目标 能进行商务投诉函的翻译。 掌握商务投诉函的有关知识和翻译方法。 Lead-in Reading 阅读与欣赏 Unchained Melody Oh, my love, my darling, I’ve hungered for your touch A long, lonely time. And time goes by so slowly, And time can do so much. Are you still mine? I need your love. I need your love. God speed your love to me. Lonely rivers flow to the sea, To the sea, To the open arms of the sea. Lonely rivers sigh: “Wait for me, wait for me. Ill be coming home, Wait for me.” …… Lead-in Reading 阅读与欣赏 【中译文欣赏】 奔放的旋律 哦,我的爱人,亲爱的, 我渴望你的爱抚, 我已寂寞很久。 如今时间慢慢溜走, 时间能改变许多事。 你是否仍然属于我? 我需要你的爱, 我需要你的爱。 愿上帝送给我你的爱。 寂寞的河流入大海, 入大海, 流入大海的怀抱里。 寂寞的河叹息: “等着我,等着我! 我要回家来, 等着我!” Section A Work Task 工作任务 2007年11月,北京金诚进出口有限公司出口部白经理收到客户一封投诉函,要求助理将其译成汉语。 From English to Chinese英译汉 背景介绍 Section A Work Task 工作任务 文 本 Subject: Claim on Damaged Goods Nov. 15th. 2007 To: Mr. Bai We received your consignment of toys this morning (our Order No. SI106). However, on examining the contents we found that 20 electric trains on one side of case No.8 were badly dented and are unsalable. This case had obviously been either dropped or struck by a heavy object. As this consignment is urgently needed to complete orders from one of our major customers,??it is absolutely essential that you ship replacements as soon as possible. Your prompt attention would be appreciated. Best regards, Sean Section A Work Task 工作任务 主要翻译任务如下:


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