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International Trade M Chinas Exports and Imports Brief Analysis of Chinas Imports And Exports Factor Endowment Further Discussion: How to make the most use of Factor Endowment to develop international trade? 1. 2. 3. The total amount was increasing Increasing speed of imports and exports Value of exports and imports Take the 2009 as an example Chinas international trade Textiles and relative articles; Computers; Audio equipment; Shoes and other footwear The most important export products The most important import products Soybeans; Metal ores; Crude petroleum; Special industrial machinery; Electronic microcircuits; Scientific equipment (USD 100 million) Heckscher-Ohlin (H-O) Theory of Factor Endowment 1. Differences in relative factor endowments among nations underlie the basis for trade. 2. A nation will export the commodity in the production of which a relatively large amount of its abundant and cheap resource is used. 3. Conversely, it will import commodities in the production of which a relatively scarce and expensive resource is used. As a developing countrys trade pattern, H-O Theory predicts that China will be a : net importer of land-intensive agricultutal products; net importer of natural resources; net importer of skilled-labor-intensive manufactured products; net exporter of less-skilled-labor-intensive products Firstly, Chinas trade has been roughly balanced--the value of exports has roughly equaled the value of imports, even though both are growing rapidly. Secondly, much of its pattern of net exports and net imports of different products is just what Heckscher and Ohlin would predict. Therefore, much of Chinas intenational trade is consistent with the Heckscher-Ohlin theory. Why? The main part of these production processes that China does is assembling the products together, and the assembling processes use lower-skilled labor intensively. Thus, China is a net importer of the materials and components that go into


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