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巴洛克风格的建筑 architectures of Baroque style * 第四章 17世纪文学 literature in the 17th century 第一节 概述 影响文学的诸要素 several influential elements on literature 1. 英国资产阶级革命 British bourgeois revolution 2. 法国专制王权的兴盛 boom of the French autarchic royalty 3. 唯物主义和唯理主义思潮的出现 birth of the materialism and rationalism 4. 对人文主义文学的继承和反拨 succeeding and criticizing the humanistic 二. 文学类型 Genre 1.古典主义文学 classical literature 2.巴洛克文学 baroque literature “巴洛克”在文学上指夸张、繁艳的藻饰,花团锦簇的风格。惯用的主题是宗教的狂热。人类在上帝的残酷威严面前无能为力;惯用极端混乱、支离破碎的形式,表现悲剧性的沮丧,用夸张、雕琢的词藻,谜语似的词汇来玩弄风雅。 “Baroque” in literature refers to exaggerated and flamboyant embellishments in writing. The popular topic is fanaticism about religion. Mankind is helpless before the stateliness of God. Extremely confused and bitty form is employed to manifest tragical frustration. Exaggerated and ornate embellishments are used to show off their taste.   意大利“马里诺诗派” 西班牙“贡哥拉诗派”   法国“矫揉造作派”  英国“玄学诗派” 3. 反映清教徒思想的文学(英国资产阶级革命文学) literature for Puritans (British bourgeois revolutionary literature ) 清教徒:新兴资产阶级主张纯洁教会,清除国教中天主教的影响。他们反对国教铺张豪华的宗教仪式和贵族奢侈淫靡的生活方式,敌视戏剧娱乐活动,提倡勤俭节约,以利资本积累。 Puritans: a group of uprising bourgeois who wanted to purify their national church by eliminating every shred of Catholic influence. They reject the luxurious ritual and nobles’ extravagant and indulgent life. They hate theatric recreations, but advocate greatly thrifty and simplicity to accumulate wealth. 约翰·弥尔顿(John Milton) 《失乐园》( Paradise Lost ) 三.古典主义文学 classical literature 1.基本特征 characteristics   政治上,主张国家统一,拥护中央王权,歌颂贤明君主 Politically, it prefers a unitive country and supports the central royalty, praises the wise king   哲学上崇尚理性原则,宣扬公民义务,克制个人情欲 In philosophy, it advocates rationalism and calls for duty of citizens, and it holds to restrain desires.   艺术上,模仿古代文学,追求艺术完美,戏剧上恪守“三一律” In art, it imitates the old literature and pursues the per



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