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集 美 大 学 考 试 卷 课程名称 海洋渔业科学与技术专业英语(渔科01级,2004.6.) 成绩 班 级 姓名 学号 I. Words (10points, 1 point for each) 真鲷 耳石 腹鳍 紫海胆 牙鲆 鳃耙 长牡蛎 翡翠贻贝 三疣梭子蟹 软骨鱼纲 II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese (20 points, 5 points for each ) While it is necessary to take immediate action to address particularly urgent problems on the basis of the precautionary approach, it is important to advance the scientific basis for incorporating ecosystem considerations, building on existing and future available scientific knowledge. Identify and describe the structure, components and functioning of relevant marine ecosystems, diet composition and food webs, species interactions and predator-prey relationships, the role of habitat and the biological, physical and oceanographic factors affecting ecosystem stability and resilience. The fish, the seals, the whales and all other sources of food, trade and livelihood that the sea provides, is the only reason why the Norwegian coast was populated in the first place. La Nina is characterized by usually cold ocean temperature in the Equatorial Pacific. III. Translate the following sentences into English (20 points,4 points for each) 1、 应建立或加强对于自然变化及其与生态系统生产力的关系的系统监测. 2、 加强对所有渔业中副渔获物和丢弃物的监测,以便更加全面地了解实际捕捞的鱼类数量. 3、 渔民也支持渔具和捕捞活动的研究和技术发展,以改进渔具的选择性及减少捕捞活动对生境和生物多样性的不利影响。 4、 挪威高度依赖可持续捕捞我们的海洋生物资源。 5、 杀死鲸鱼不是通过调查胃含物状况来获得有关鲸鱼饵料的科学信息状况的唯一方法。 IV. Reading comprehension (30 points) Article 1 It has been only with last two decades that’s scuba diving has become popular . It is not particularly difficult or even dangerous to learn how to scuba dive. But one must be able to use the equipment that enables man to move from his element in to that of fish. Most scuba divers learn their basic skills in an ordinary swimming pool. Pool classes familiarize the students with their equipment. In addition, pupils practice the various diving procedures, including the buddy system, never diving without a partner. The coastal waters of British Columbia are among the mos


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