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智能小车PID运动控制系统设计 学生姓名: 学生学号: 院(系): 电气信息工程学院 年级专业: 电子信息工程 指导教师: 助理指导教师: 二〇一五年五月 摘 要 本文主要介绍了智能小车控制系统的软硬件设计及开发过程。车模系统的简单工作原理是单片机收集红外传感器返回来的赛道信息,通过相应运算后,软件判断其有效性,结合控制算法控制随动舵机给出合理舵值,控制前轮舵机转向,单片机再给出合适的PWM波占空比以控制电机转速。 小车设计主要包括硬件电路设计和软件控制设计两大部分。此智能车系统采用模块化设计思想,完成了系统硬件电路的设计,其主要包括核心控制模块、电源管理模块、电机驱动模块、舵机控制模块、车速检测模块、路径识别模块等。本系统以16位的微处理器AT89S52为控制核心,AT89S52微控制器是M68C12系列16位单片机中一种,其内部结构主要有单片机基本部分和CAN功能块部分组成 ABSTRACT This paper mainly introduces the hardware and software of the control system of intelligent car design and development process. The simple models system working principle is to collect infrared sensor mcu return circuit information, through the corresponding operation, the software judge its effectiveness, combining control algorithm with dynamic steering gear control, reasonable front wheel steering gear control rudder values steering,mcu and then presents the right PWM waves occupies emptiescompared to control motor speed. Car design includes hardware circuit and software control design of two parts. The smart car system adopts the idea of modular design, complete the hardware circuit design, and its main including core control module, power management module, motor driver module, steering gear control module, speed detection module, path recognition module, etc.This system to MC9S12DG128 as control core, M68HC12 series MC9S12DG128 microcontroller is one of 16 bit mcu, its internal structure is mainly a mcu basic parts and CAN function blocks parts. In order to improve the operation of the system performance, the steering control strategy and speed closed-loop control strategies and rear wheel drive strategy of PID control algorithm is a detailed analysis and design. On this basis, completed the specific software system design and implementation. Keywords modular PID MCU PWM 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 国内外研究现状、水平 1 1.3 本课


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