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包钢选矿厂磁矿系列尾矿中回收精矿的工艺研究 摘 要 长期以来,氧化矿系列流程中的强磁中矿和强磁尾矿一直作为包钢稀土精矿生产的主要原料,而磁矿系列尾矿中的稀土资源一直不能充分回收利用,这部分资源都排入尾矿坝中,使稀土资源受到了极大的浪费。磁矿系列尾矿中稀土品位一般ReO为6.0-7.5%,每年的排放量大约为200多万吨,是一种宝贵的稀土资源,对磁矿系列尾矿中回收稀土精矿进行立项研究,目的是通过实验室研究,对这种试样特性,浮选工艺流程、工艺条件和药剂组合进行较系统的研究并应用于工业生产。 试验所取试样ReO为7.4%,经一粗两精,获得稀土精矿品位为50.32%,作业回收率68.54%;套试试样为6.33%。经一粗两精作业,获得的稀土精矿品位为53.70%,作业回收率为66.03%。同时在试验过程中合成出较好的稀土捕收剂XP-2和相应的起泡剂XF-2。 在对工艺过程研究的同时,对弱磁尾矿中稀土矿物及稀土精矿中的稀土矿物进行了工艺特征的研究,为以后的研究提供了理论指导。 关键词:白云鄂博矿,弱磁选尾矿,稀土,浮选 The research on segregating and recovering rare-earth from weak-magnetic separation tails Baotou Steel Concentrating Mill Abstract For a long time, the strong magnetic middling mineral and tailer mineral in the oxidize mineral series has been the main raw material for produce soil concentrate mineral to produce in Baotou steel company, but the sparse soil resources in the magnetic tailer mineral can’t recover exploitation well for long, these resources all line up into the tailer mineral dam, which make the sparse soil resources tremendous waste. Sparse soil grade in the magnetic mineral series tail mineral ReO usually is 6.0-7.5%, and every year exhaust about 2000 thousand tons, these are precious resources, to research recovering the sparse soil concentrate mineral from the tailer mineral of the magnetic mineral series, the purpose is from research in the lab, for the sparse soil characteristic, float choose and apply to produce in the industry. The sample ReO taken to research is 7.47%, through one raw two concentrate sparse soil, acquire the sparse soil of concentrate mineral grade is 50.32%, the operation recovery rate is 68.54%; the sample ReO taken to research is 6.33%. Through one raw two concentrate operation, acquire the sparse the soil concentrate the mineral is 53.70%, the operation recovery rate is 66.03%. In the meantime synthesize better sparse soil collector XP-2 during the period of experiment with correspond of forming agent XF-2. In the meantime of the produce process research, to carry on the


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