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* L: how much you need in your production. Quantity demanded. * Producer also supplies inputs which is called intermediate input. How much intermediate good to produce? We can use similar logic as we used to find the optimal output level for a producer of a final good. * Explain what is demand curve for labor: if product market is perfect competition, vmpl If product market is not perfect competition, mrpl Perfect competition in labor market, w_e is given by the market, that is the supply How much to hire? MR=MC of labor MC=w_e What is MR of labor? VMP of labor Demand is? P259 * Supply of labor: different wage levels ? different labor supply At each wage rate level, how much effort you want to provide? A decision made by the consumer Work ? income ? utility from consumption purchased with income Leisure ? directly increase your utility Q: how to allocate your limited time as a resource among different uses? ? similar to the consumer problem we have examined when the consumer wants to buy two goods with budget constraint. Max U(L’, Y) St Y+wL’=16w dU/dL’=dU/dY*w Same as before MUx/Px=MUy/Py We get E0 Explain E1,E2 and so on * Market S of labor has no curve back. Why? Higher wage will attract more workers. Minimum wage ? excess supply of labor ? unemployment 香港、台湾的最低工资标准是多少?其他国家也是否有最低工资标准呢?跟我们比起来,是多还是少呢? ????香港最低工资委员会定的每年最低工资标准:每小时工资30港元(约3.8美元),若每日工作8小时,则日工资240港元(约30美元),若每日工作9小时,则日工资为270港元(约34美元)。 ????台湾劳委会基本工资审议委员会制定的最低工资标准:2013年1月1日起于调涨为时薪新台币109元,大约3.7美元。而月薪制则暂缓调涨,维持每月18,780元(约639美元)。 ????大韩民国劳动部规定最低工资标准:每小时4,860元(约4.3美元),每日工资38,880元(8小时),每月工资1,015,740元(每周40小时)/1,098,360元(每周44小时)。 ????美国现行联邦基本工资于2009年7月24日起生效,为每小时7.25美元,但多数各州另有规定州立基本工资,区间约为每小时5.15至8.8美元。美国国会目前有意将最低工资,在2014年前逐年提高至每小时9.8美元。没有讲到实习生不发工资是否违背了最低工资的要求。 ????英国现行最低工资于2012年10月1日起实施,年满21岁者每小时6.19英镑(约10美元),另外对21岁以下受雇者及实习生也有不同的规定,每小时自2.65镑至4.98镑(约4.3至8美元)不等。 * Investments and savings 利率市场化 Market interest rate: determined completely by the market? No Government has big influence on it even in the US:


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