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4.Not until many officials fled the country ________ the government realize how serious corruption was. 答案:did 考查倒装。句意为:直到很多官员逃离了国家,政府才意识到腐败有多严重。Not until位于句首时,主句要部分倒装。 5.So absorbed ________ he in our talk that my brother took a wrong turn on the way to the airport. 答案:was 考查倒装与时态。在“so...that...”句型中,如果“so+形容词”提到句首,主句就要用部分倒装的形式。句意为:我兄弟如此专注于我们的谈话以至于在去机场的路上他转错了弯。 高考真题对接 1.(2014·陕西改编)No sooner had Mo Yan stepped on the stage ________ the audience broke into thunderous applause. 答案:than 句意:莫言刚踏上舞台,观众就爆发出了雷鸣般的掌声。no sooner... than...一……就…,no sooner位于句首时,应进行部分倒装,且动作发生在掌声爆发之前,故用过去完成时。 2.(2013·湖北改编)Dont defend him any more. Its obvious that he ________(deliberate) destroyed the fence of the garden even without apology. 答案:deliberately 句意:不要再为他辩护了,很明显,他是故意破坏花园的围墙的,甚至连道歉都没有。deliberately故意地。 3.(2013·北京改编)I have an appointment ______ Dr.Smith, but I need to change it. 答案:with 本题考查固定搭配。句意:我跟史密斯先生有个约会,但是我得改一下。have an appointment with sb. 跟某人有约,为固定搭配。 4.(2011·辽宁改编)What are you doing out of bed, Tom? Youre______(suppose) to be asleep. 答案:supposed 句意:汤姆你在床下干什么?你应该睡觉了。be supposed to相当于should,“应该,应当”,符合题意。 基础知识巩固 (点此链接) 课 时 作 业 (点此链接) The boss said if the person __8__(interview) agreed, he could use a recorder to make sure that he got all the facts straight. At last the boss said only by __9__(know) all the tricks of the trade __10__ he be a good reporter. 答案:1.fessional 5.detailed 6.Meanwhile 7.depending 8.being interviewed 9.knowing 10.could 考点探究演练 1.involve vt.牵涉;涉及;使参与(卷入)…… Dont ________ me ________ your quarrel. I have ________ ________ ________ too many things. 不要把我卷入你们的争吵。我牵扯的事太多了。 [名师点拨] involve是一个及物动词,常用的形式有两种,一是involve oneself (sb.) in sth. (doing sth.),二是be involved in sth.(doing sth.)。 答案:involve;in;been involved in 2.assist vt. vi.帮助;协助;援助 [教材原句]You will find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so...(P26) 你会发现你的同事很乐意帮助你,所以…… 必会 (1)assist sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事 assist sb.in/with sth.帮助某人做某事 assist sb. in doing sth.帮助某人做某事 (2)assistance n.帮助;协助 assistant adj.副的


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