01. Meeting People.ppt

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01. Meeting People

Welcome to My Class Fiona Zhong Self-introduction Things about me. Course Requirement Classroom participation Communication skills Cultural differences Lecture Notes Pronunciation Grammar Structure of a speech Note-taking skills Tests Meeting People Ways to say hello Hello! I’m glad/pleased to meet you. How are you? Hey, what’s up? How’s it going? How are you doing? What’s going on? How have you been? What have you been up to? What have you been busy with? Telling People Who You Are What’s your name?/ May I have your name?/Could you please leave your name/ Are you a student? No, I’m a visiting scholar. What is your research interest? What do you do for a living? What does your wife do? Are you the new comer from Wuhan? How old are you? (Don’t ask) Where are you from? Where are you from? Hey, I’m from Dallas too! Are you from around here? How do you like Harvard U? What part of New York are you from? You definitely look like a New Yorker! I’m…, My name is…; Are you…? Haven’t we met before? Hi, my name is Tony. Hello. My name is Thomas. But you can just call me Tom. Hi, I’m Teresa, Jodi’s friend. I don’t think we’ve ever met. I’m Daniel. You don’t know me, but I’ve heard lots about you. Introduction Let me introduce…, I’d like to introduce…, Allow me to introduce…, May I introduce you to…? May I introduce myself? This is…; I don’t think you’ve met before. Introduction Hey, this is my friend Sam. Joe, this is Eason. Eason, this is Joe. Hello everyone, I’d like to introduce my friend Sally. Let me introduce you to Ryan. Allow me to introduce you to Kevin. You don’t know each other yet, do you? (No, I’ve not had the pleasure of meeting her yet.) David, have you met Mr. Carter? (I don’t think we’ve met.) Come over here for a second. I want you to meet Steven. Do you know Elizabeth? Hey, this is my friend Bob, who, by the way, is still single. I’ve heard lots about you. How do you know Ron? Do you guys work together? How do you know each other? Hey, I’ve he


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