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;;;Salginatobel Brücke(瑞士萨尔基那山谷桥) Golden Gate Bridge (美国旧金山金门大桥) The Brotonne Bridge (法国东纳大桥) Kirchheim Overpass (德国克西汉姆跨线桥) Orly Airport Overpass (法国奥利机场跨线桥) First Bosphoros Bridge (土耳其博斯布鲁斯大桥) Sunniberg Bridge (瑞士桑尼伯格大桥) Normandy Bridge (法国诺曼底大桥);Tataro Bridge (日本多多罗大桥) Severins Bridge (德国科隆塞弗林大桥) Tingkau Bridge (中国香港汀九大桥) The Ganter Bridge (瑞士甘特桥) Sydney Harbour Bridge (澳大利亚悉尼港湾大桥) Fehmarnsund Bridge (德国费马恩海峡大桥) Great Belt Bridge (丹麦大贝尔特跨海大桥); Robert Pamela Stewart (Robert Maillart) designed and built in 1930, across the Alps Sargsyan that canyon, is on a very economical concrete sickle-supporting three-hinged arch bridge, span 90 meters, it has become world famous bridge. Walking on the bridge is a real spiritual experience. You and mountains, white clouds, blue sky so close that it constitutes a wonderful Alpine landscape. All parts of the bridge are just right, no picky. This is truly a combination of good art and a bridge.”;2. Golden Gate Bridge (美国旧金山金门大桥);3. The Brotonne Bridge (法国东纳大桥);4. Kirchheim Overpass (德国克西汉姆跨线桥);5. Orly Airport Overpass (法国奥利机场跨线桥);6. First Bosphoros Bridge (土耳其博斯布鲁斯大桥);7. Sunniberg Bridge (瑞士桑尼伯格大桥);8. Normandy Bridge (法国诺曼底大桥);9. Tataro Bridge (日本多多罗大桥);10. Severins Bridge (德国科隆塞弗林大桥);11. Tingkau Bridge (中国香港汀九大桥);12. Sydney Harbour Bridge (澳大利亚悉尼港湾大桥);13. The Ganter Bridge (瑞士甘特桥);14. Fehmarnsund Bridge (德国费马恩海峡大桥);15. Great Belt Bridge (丹麦大贝尔特跨海大桥); Chinas most beautiful bridge;Wanzhou Yangtze River Highway Bridge(1997),420m(chong qing);Guangzhou Yajisha Bridg (2000),360m;Chaotianmen Bridge(2008),552m (chong qing);Shanghai Lupu Bridge(2003), 550m;Yangpu Bridge;Dongting Lake Bridge;Sutong Yangtze River Bridge 1088m,2008 ;Tsing Ma Bridge;Xihoumen Bridge (1650m)2007;Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge;Guangzhou Luoxi Bridge;The most strange beautiful bridge;Millau Viaduct (米洛高架桥) France ) France;Gateshead Millennium Bridge(盖特谢德千禧桥)Britain ;Hangzhou Bay Bridge(杭州湾大桥)China, Hangzhou;Royal Gorge Bridg


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