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书面表达基本句型训练 句型1 主系表结构(连系动词be, turn, get, become, go, remain, stay, keep, smell, taste, look, sound, appear, seem等) 1 这些天天气凉快。 2 房前的花很香。 3 这种苹果味道好。 答案:1.The weather remains cool these days. 2.The flowers in front of the house smell nice. 3. This kind of apple tastes good. 句型2 主谓结构和主谓宾结构 1. the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 2. he lived in America ten years ago. 3. Young people enjoy listening to pop music. 4. we will visit the old people next month. 5. This famous singer sang us a lot of songs last weekend. 6.He said he couldn’t show the photo to me/show me the picture. 7.My mother bought me a computer last month. 句型3 There be /there lives/stands/must be 1、There stands a tree in front of our house. 2、There happened an unhappy incident. 3、There seems to be a tall building ahead of us. 4、There are several teachers in the meeting—room. 5、There are some teachers (who are) talking in the meeting-room. 6、There was no school in our village ten years ago. 7、We will have a sports meeting next week. There will be a sports meet next week. There is going to be a sports meet next week . 8、There happened a serious accident in the street yesterday. 9、There are many people who think (that) we should be strict with ourselves. There are many people (who are) holding the opinion that we should be strict with ourselves. 句型4 动词+宾语+宾补(n./adj./adv./-ing/-ed/to do) 1。这个消息使她高兴。 The news made her happy. 2。她叫我把窗户打开。 She asked me to open the window. 3。我们选这位年轻人当我们经理。 We made the young man our manager. 4。我们认为语言不容易学。 We don’t think it easy to learn languages. 5。我认为本月内完成这项工作有困难。 I think it hard to finish the work in this month. 6。他的手表昨晚被人偷去了。 He had his watch stolen yesterday evening. 7。我的自行车坏了,我要请人修。 My bike is broken. I’ll have it repaired./ I’ll get it repaired. 句型4 动词+宾语+宾补(n./adj./adv./-ing/-ed/to do) 8。我发觉有许多人站在学校大门口。 I found many people standing at the school gate. 9.我的朋友鼓励我学好英语。(encourage) My friends encourage me to learn English well. 10.老板让工人们一天工作12 小时。(make or f


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