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Have you ever been to Yunnan? Do you want to go to Yunnan for travel? ◆ the Kingdom of Plants ◆ the Kingdom of Animals ◆ 25 minorities ◆ The famous tourist cities: Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, Shangri-la, Xishuangbanna Main scenic sports of Yunnan Kunming(昆明) Lijiang(丽江) Dali(大理) Xishuangbanna(西双版纳) Shangri-La(香格里拉) Lijiang ◆Beautiful scenery and brilliant culture ◆Lijiang has become one of the most favourite destinations in China. Famous scenic spots: ◆ Lijiang Old Town ◆ Yulong Snow Mountain ◆ Lugu Lake ◆ Tiger-leaping Gorge Lijiang Old Town ◆Lijiang Old Town became World Cultural Heritage in 1997 ◆old beautiful buildings,clear rivers,stone bridges,waterwheels ◆The streets are paved with the local stone slabs ◆souvenirs ◆delicious foods Yulong Snow Mountain ◆The altitude of Yulong Snow Mountain is 5596 meters ◆Yulong Snow Mountain is the southernmost snow-capped mountain in China Lugu Lake ◆Lugu Lake is on the border between Yunnan and Sichuan province ◆200 kilometers from the center of Lijiang city. ◆5 islands on the lake ◆The average of water depth:45 meters ◆the deepest point is more than 90 meters ◆Mosuo people(摩梭人) ◆ Matriarchal marriage system (母系氏族婚姻制度) Thank you !! 昆明:中国首批历史文化名城、云南省省会昆明,是云南政治、经济、文化、科技、教育、商贸、旅游、信息、金融中心和交通、通讯枢纽,是中国内地和西南地区通向东南亚、南亚各国的一级口岸城。得天独厚的地理环境,使昆明这座位于滇池之滨的高原城市,成为世界上少有的“天气常如二三月,花枝不断四时春”以“春城”之美名享誉于世的观光旅游、休闲度假、探险猎奇和商务会议胜地。 Kunming, one of the first group cities which famous for the histories and cultures in China. It’s not only the capital of Yunan, but also the centres of the province such as politics、economy、culture、technology、education、tourism and so on. It’s also the Chinese foreland to southest Asia and south Asia. With the advantages of climate and geography, Kunming is becaming a Holy—land for tourism、exploration、hunting and meeting in the world! 七彩云南,这样的火烧云经常可以见到,特别是在晴朗的仲夏夜。 Colourful Yunnan! You can find the splendid cloud like this photo in the sunshiny evening! Especially the summer


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