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* 有氧杀伤机制:氧化酶系统和诱导型NO合酶系统 -无氧杀伤:乳酸、溶菌酶、乳铁蛋白 -有氧杀伤:H2O2、氧自由基、NO 募集:黏附、渗出、趋化 吞噬和杀伤:无髓过氧化物酶 分泌细胞因子 递呈抗原 * Selectin-mediated adhesion to leukocyte sialyl-lewis is weak ,and allows leukocytes to roll along the vascular endothellal surface由选择素与路易斯寡糖介导的白细胞与血管内皮细胞之间的互相作用较弱,可使白细胞沿着血管内皮表面向前滚动 Basement membrane 基底膜 Rolling adhesion 滚动黏附 Tight binding 紧密连接 Diapedesis 渗出 Migration 迁移 * Venule Phagocyte Endothelium Basement membrane Site of inflammation Endothelial activation Mediators of inflammation Chemotactic mediators chemotaxis * Mannose receptor 甘露糖受体 Glucan receptor 葡聚糖受体 Scavenger receptof 清道夫受体 Bacteria bingding to macrophage receptors initiate the release of cytokines and small lipid mediators of inflammation * NHDPH氧化 Killing of extracellular microbes 对胞外菌的杀伤 Phagocyte oxidase 巨噬细胞氧化酶 Phagosome with ingested microbes 摄取了细菌的吞噬小体 Lysosomes with enzymes含溶酶体酶的溶酶小体 Killing of microbes by lysosomal enzymes in phagolysosomes 吞噬小体内溶酶体酶杀伤细菌 Killing of phagocytosed microbes by ROIS and NO 由反应性氧中介物和NO对微生物的杀伤 arginine * Lysosomes溶酶体 Phagosome 吞噬小体 Nucleus 胞核 Fusion of phagosome and lysosome 吞噬小体和溶酶体融合 Phagolysosome:release of lysozyme, proteases,defensins. Production of peroxide ,superoxide, hyperchlorous acid, nitric oxide, degradation of bacteria吞噬溶酶体释放溶酶体酶,蛋白水解酶;产生过氧化氢,超氧化物,一氧化氮,降解细菌 Release of bacterial fragments * 中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞借助多种表面受体,可识别微生物及其分泌产物而被激活,进而黏附于血管内皮,发上募集和迁移,并启动杀菌效应,清除微生物 Receptors and functional responses of neutrophils 中性粒细胞的受体和功能 Recognition of microbes, mediators识别微生物,介质 Cellular response 细胞应答 Functional outcomes 效应功能 microbe 分泌功能: -产生溶酶体酶、髓过氧化物酶、活性氧等,与杀伤和抗原处理有关 -分泌细胞因子、补体、凝血因子等,与炎症反应有关; -产生前列腺素、白三烯、ACTH、内啡肽等,与免疫调节有关。 促炎细胞因子:TNF-alpha, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, 参与局部和全身的炎症反应。 Ingestion 摄取 The only known function of dendritic cells is to present antigen to naive T cells and activate them. As we know, dendritic cells arise from bone marrow progenitors and migrate via the blood to peripheral tissues and organs. The immature DC in the peripheral tiss


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