
《A pre-anodized inlaying ultrathin carbon paste electrode for simultaneous determination of 》.ppt

《A pre-anodized inlaying ultrathin carbon paste electrode for simultaneous determination of 》.ppt

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文章背景 测定尿液中的叶酸与草酸具有重要的意义 用电化学处理方式获得一种电极,这种电极对尿液中的叶酸与草酸能够同时测定且灵敏度高 这种电极是先前的文章中从未提及过的 两种传统方式处理电极的缺陷:需要昂贵的碳毫微管,需要复杂的实验室合成的修饰有机试剂,都不适合大规模的投入,并且有的有机试剂十分有害。 电极处理方式 the nichrome was adopted as a substrate and its one end was rubbed in the carbon paste to fabricate an inlaying ultra-thin carbon paste electrode (IUCPE). with a layer thickness of about100 nm carbon paste film. 镍铬合金作为基底,一端插入碳膏,制造出嵌超薄碳膏电极 The prepared IUCPE was anodized by successive cyclic voltammetry to fabricate the PAIUCPE for 35 cycles from?0.30 V to +1.50 V with a scan rate of 100 mV/s in NaOH (0.20 mol/L). 通过连续的循环伏安氧化,制得 预氧化嵌超薄碳膏电极 结论 In this paper, the PAIUCPE was served as the working electrode,and used for the investigation of electrochemical behaviours and the reaction mechanisms of UA and FA. The anodic potential difference of UA and FA was about 324 mV and the simultaneous determination of UA and FA was achieved based on it. Moreover, the PAIUCPE exhibited low cost, reliable performance, long service life and non-pollution on environment. The proposed method was of high sensitivity as well as a wide linear region that made it used for the simultaneous determination of UA and FA in human urine with satisfactory results. A pre-anodized inlaying ultrathin carbon paste electrode for simultaneous determination of uric acid and folic acid Electrochimica Acta 王月明 * IUCPE inlaying ultrathin carbon paste electrode PAIUCPE pre-anodized inlaying ultrathin carbon paste electrode



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