
《Direct Observation of Large Quantum Interference Effect in Anthraquinone Solid-State Junctions》.pptx

《Direct Observation of Large Quantum Interference Effect in Anthraquinone Solid-State Junctions》.pptx

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Direct Observation of Large Quantum Interference Effect in Anthraquinone Solid-State Junctions;ABSTRACT: Quantum Interference Effect:(1): (2): (3):; Cross conjugation interference ;Figure 1. (a) Simplified scheme of the planar junction based on an AQ layer covalently grafted on the bottom electrode. (b) Structure of the diazonium derivative of the AQ molecule before grafting (top). Threelevel scheme showing the electron pathways through the molecular orbitals interfering destructively according to ref 12 (bottom).; Our fabrication process combines diazonium electroreduction, optical lithography, and metal evaporation We demonstrate that quantum interferences are present at rt and are enhanced as temperature is lowered for molecular films thicker than a monolayer.;Figure 2. Measured I(V) (a) and dI/dV(V) (b) data for an AQ-based junction at 300 K (black circles) and 4 K (blue triangles) with an area of 30 × 30 μm2. The solid blue line, showing a clear mismatch, is a fit of the data at 4 K to the Simmons model yielding 2.56 eV and 1.2 nm for the tunneling barrier and thickness, respectively.;Figure 3. (a) The dI/dV(V) data for an AQ junction with an area of 75 × 75 μm2 for temperatures ranging from 6?300 K (from the bottom to the top); and (b) dI/dV(V) data at 6 K: numbered vertical bars indicate the position of peaks that appears symmetrically with respect to zero voltage. Inset: linear fit to peak position vs peak number.;Vn = 2(ε + n?ν), 其中?ε?是分子结构的重整的电子态, ??普朗克常数, ν?的频率振动模式 ? n?为整数;Figure 4. For four different Au/AQ/Au junctions, dI/dV measured at rt. Areas are 75 × 75, 50 × 50, 30 × 30, and 10 × 10 μm2, respectively.



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