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Advertising on the Internet by Margrethe Dal Thomsen Dissertation submitted to The University of Westminister For the Masters Degree in Marketing, September 1996 - Preface - Many companies believe they know how the Internet works after reading an Internet book. This is not possible. The Internet requires learning by doing. The best advice is, get on-line and get a feeling of what is happening on the Internet. That is the first step to becoming a successful advertiser on the Internet. This dissertation is written for advertisers, advertising executives and marketers with the aim of helping them to understand the Internet’s potential as an advertising medium. After experimenting the Internet and reading this dissertation the reader should have a general knowledge of interactive advertising strategies and be able to make effective persuasive and profitable Internet advertising. - Acknowledgement - I would like to thank the following people who were instrumental to the success of this dissertation. My supervisor, Peter Croissant for his time, contribution to and help with the dissertation. My previous boss from Lintas Werbeagentur GmbH in Hamburg, Sven Kuhlbrodt, now Marketing Director Continental Europe for Fidelity Investments. He encouraged me to write about Internet advertising. He has been a great support throughout the dissertation My friend Tamsin Edwards, previous Trade Mark Attorney in Australia, who throughout the Masters has been a great teammate. She helped me in my dissertation research, especially by introducing me to people, who worked in the fields of multimedia. My MBA teammate, Yoriko Matsuda, previous Account Executive in Dentsu Advertising Agency in Japan, with whom I shared and partly gathered my multimedia research with. Our discussions enabled me to get a better perspective of the technological world. My working colleges Lee Wills, Art Director at Powerhouse Creative Services for the art and design work of the front page. My friend Jean Philip


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