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Chapter 2 Mendel’s Genetics Analysis 孟德尔式遗传分析(1) Chapter 2 孟德尔式遗传分析 第一节 孟德尔第一定律及其遗传分析 第二节 孟德尔第二定律及其遗传分析 第三节 遗传的细胞学基础 第四节 基因的作用与环境因素的相互关系 第一节 孟德尔第一定律及其遗传分析 ( Mendel’s 1st Rule and his genetics analysis) 1.1 孟德尔遗传分析的方法 严格选材 精心设计 定量分析 测交验证 1.2 孟德尔实验及其分析 Why was Mendel successful? 选材(Chose a good genetic organism): short life cycle; large progeny; can grow lots of plants in small space; access to genetic variation. 性状(Picked good traits): easy to score; bred true. 量化结果(Quantified results). Why Mendel Liked Peas Several variable characters with two discrete traits(许多稳定的、易于区分的性状) easy to score (yellow or green) Can control fertilization, including self-fertilization can produce pure lines(纯系) Offspring always have one of the parental traits 1.2 孟德尔实验及其分析 孟德尔分析的关键性名词概念 孟德尔实验及其分离定律的归纳 Basic Terminology 遗传性状(Hereditary traits):一个个体从亲代传递到下一代的特性(孟德尔称为Characters, is a feature that is heritable ) 基因(gene) : Physical and functional unit of heredity, which carries information from one generation to the next. In molecular terms, a gene is the entire DNA sequence necessary for the synthesis of a functional polypeptide or RNA molecular. 基因座(locus): Location on chromosome of gene 等位基因(allele) (Trait): is a variation of a character 显性基因(dominant gene)– a gene allele which is always expressed when it is present, regardless of whether it is homozygous or heterozygous 隐性基因(recessive gene) – a gene allele which is not expressed if it is in the heterozygous state 基因型(genotype): the genetic makeup of an organism (combination of genes in its nucleus) 表现型(phenotype): the physical appearance of an organism Basic Terminology 纯合体(homozygous) - a pair of alleles which are identical. 杂合体( heterozygous) - a single pair of alleles which are unlike each other. 真实遗传(true breeding line)- organisms that always pass the same genotype to their offspring 杂交(hybrid)- offspring resulting from crossbreeding two true breeding lines.F1 测交(testcross) Breeding a homozygous recessive with a dominant phenotype


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