1 Beginnings of American Literature Age of Faith.ppt

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1 Beginnings of American Literature Age of Faith.ppt

History and Anthology American Literature Brief Outline of American literature 1. Literature of Colonial America(1607-1775) Anne Bradstreet Edward Taylor 2. Literature of Reason and Revolution (1775-1783) Benjamin Franklin Thomas Paine Thomas Jefferson Philip Freneau Brief Outline of American literature 3. American Romanticism (1820-1861) Washington Irving James Fenimore Cooper William Cullen Bryant Ralph Waldo Emerson Henry David Thoreau Edgar Allan Poe Nathaniel Hawthorne Herman Melville Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Brief Outline of American literature Literature of Realism (1861-1914) Walt Whitman Emily Dickinson Beecher Stowe Mark Twain Henry James O. Henry Literature Naturalism: Jack London Theodore Dreiser Brief Outline of American literature 5. American Modernism Ezra Pound Ewin Arlinton Robinson Robert Frost Carl Sanburg Wallace Stevens T.S. Eliot The Colonial Period: Puritanism in America The puritans follow the ideas of the Swiss reformer John Calvin Three Doctrines: - Predestination - Original sin and total depravity (human beings are basically evil.) - Limited atonement (or the Salvation of a selected few) Puritan values Hard work, thrift, piety, sobriety, simple tastes. Puritans are more practical, tougher, and to be ever ready for any misfortune and tragic failure. They are optimistic. Puritanism in America - to reform the Church of England - to have an entirely new church - to escape religious persecution * God’s chosen people * To seek a new Garden of Eden * To build “City of God on Earth” Puritanism in America American Puritanism was one of the most enduring shaping influences in American thought and American literature. - American literature is based on a myth, i.e. the Biblical myth of the Garden of Eden. Early New England iterature New England had from the beginning a literature



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