南译 汉译英期末考试模拟题doc.doc

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南译 汉译英期末考试模拟题doc.doc

四川外语学院重庆南方翻译学院 2011—2012学年第1学期 2008级英语专业本科《汉译英》期末考试模拟题 _________________________________________________________________________________ 特别提醒:1. 学生可使用纸质的汉英辞典和英汉词典。 2.凡使用电子词典或将手机以及其他通讯设备用作词典者,一律视为作弊。 I. Judgment of English Versions (20×0.5% = 10%) Directions: There are 10 Chinese sentences in this part, and two English versions are offered for each sentence. You are asked to decide which version is real English expression (mark RE in the bracket) and which belongs to Chinglish expression (mark CE in the bracket). Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. Example: 0.我们应该加快经济改革的步伐。 A) We should accelerate economic reform. ( ) B) We should accelerate the pace of economic reform. ( ) Analysis: Version B is not an idiomatic English expression because “to accelerate” means “to increase the pace of”. Key to Example 0: 0A) 0B) RE CE 1.我可以肯定地告诉你,没有人能够阻挡中国改革开放的步伐。 A) I can surely tell you that nobody is able to stop the reform and opening up in China from continuing. ( ) B) I can assure you that no one can stop China’s reform and opening to the outside world. ( ) 2.在改善经济环境、整顿经济秩序的这三年时间里,国务院、各部委以及各级地方政府出台了一系列文件。总的来讲,这些文件在整顿并改善经济方面发挥了积极作用。 A) During the three-year period of improvement of the economic environment and rectification of the economic order, the State Council, the various ministries and commissions and local governments at different levels issued a series of documents. Generally speaking, these documents have played a positive role in promoting the program of economic improvement and rectification. ( ) B) During the three-year period of improvement of the economic environment and rectification of the economic order, the State Council, the various ministries and commissions and local governments at different levels issued a series of documents. Generally speaking, these documents helped achieve the objectives of that period. ( ) 3.因此,我们应该从全人类的高度来看待、研究和解决发展问题。只有这样,我们才能明白发展问题不仅仅是发展中国家的责任,也是发达国家的责任。 A) We should therefore c


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