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写作技巧点拨系列(五) 完美衔接过渡, 巧妙起承转合 【核心点拨】   高考书面表达最高档次的评分标准要求“有效地使用了语句间的连接成分, 使全文结构紧凑”; 而最低档次的评分标准则标明“缺乏语句间的连接成分, 内容不连贯”。这些都提醒考生, 要想在高考有限的时间里写出能获得较高分数的书面表达, 就必须应用恰当的衔接过渡词汇来使句子、段落之间的衔接通顺自然, 达到内容连贯, 文章结构紧凑的目的。从而避免结构松散, 层次不明, 表意不清等弊端。   一、语句间常用的衔接过渡词汇 therefore; thanks to; as a result of. . . ; because of; due to; owing to 表因果 also; as well(as); or; either. . . or. . . ; neither. . . nor. . . ; not only. . . but also; both. . . and 表并列 besides; what’s more; what’s worse; furthermore; in addition to; additionally 表递进 first of all; according to; in my opinion; as far as I am concerned; as far as I know; as for me 表起始 on the left/right; to the left/right; on one side of. . . on the other side of. . . ; at the foot/top/end of; in the middle/center of. . . 表空间 just as; just like; in the same way; similarly 表比较 that is to say; in other words; believe it or not; to tell you the truth; namely; actually 表解释 above all; indeed; surely; certainly; of course; at least; obviously 表强调 however; on the other hand; on the contrary; in spite of; after all; in fact; as a matte of fact 表转折 或对比 at first; in the beginning; next; then; later; about two months later; after a while; soon; soon after that; after that; afterwards; since then; meanwhile; in the end; at last; finally; for the first time; the next moment; up to now; before long; from then on; sooner or later 表时间 in short; in a word; in conclusion; in brief; generally speaking; to sum up; all in all 表总结 for example; for instance; take. . . for example; such as; as follows; and so on 表举例 for one thing. . . and for another(thing); first; firstly; second(ly); third(ly); last but not least 表列举   二、段落间常用的衔接过渡词汇   文章段落之间的逻辑关系主要由过渡词来完成, 在修辞中称为起、承、转、合。“起”就是开头, “承”是承接, “转”是转折, “合”是综合或总结。 first, first of all, at first, in the first place, firstly, to begin with, to start with, recently, now, at present, in recent years, in general, lately, currently 用于“起”的过渡词汇 (用在段落或文章的开头) second, similarly, in addition, besides, then, furthermore, moreover, what is


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