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The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College M 63yrs PE+DVT Clinical Data:左下肢肿胀半月,胸疼、咳嗽10天。彩超:左股总至股浅静脉上段见中等回声物填充,其内见少量血流信号。曾2006年12月9日住院,最终手术切除左腹股沟淋巴结(转移性低分化粘液表皮样癌)。 The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College M 63yrs PE+DVT 优维显(300mgI/ml)80ml(速率4ml/s)自动触发 The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College M 64yrs AA+T Clinical Data:中腹部搏动性包块2月。无明显诱因中腹部偏右侧可触及包块,有搏动。无高血压、糖尿病史。人工血管置换术。 The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College M 64yrs AA+T The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College VR The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College MIP The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College F 69yrs AD-Type I Clinical Data:间断性头晕20年,发作性胸痛2年,加重3小时。血压:160/100mmHg。 The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College F 69yrs AD-Type I The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College VR The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College CTVE The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College CTVE The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College CTVE The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College Clinical Data:反复头痛3年。血压210/120mmHg,上腹部闻及3/8级收缩期杂音。双下肢水肿。 M 37yrs RAS The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongol


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