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Distribution map of China seismic belt Came 29 days on March 8, 1966, successive times 6, 7 earthquake I In July 28, 1976, 7.8 occurred in Tangshan City earthquake。 青海玉树 四川汶川 Time: 2008 05 to 12 August fourteen twenty-eightThe earthquake zone: Longmen Mountain Fault Zone, which belongs to the Bayan region of the southeastern boundary in.伤亡情况:四川汶川地震已造成69225人遇难,374176人受伤,失踪17923人。 方法 adhering to the principle of prevention first, comprehensive earthquake prevention and disaster reduction坚持预防为主,综合防震减灾 rely on science and technology, strengthen basic research 依靠科学技术,加强基础研究 strengthen legal construction, promote lawfully and disaster reduction加强法制建设,促进依法减灾 THE END THENKS * * 我国地震现状 解决方法 由NordriDesign提供 中国所处的地震带地理位置 。 China is located in the southeast corner of the Eurasian plate, Pacific plate, East, South India and Philippines Sea plate plate.Because of the India plate and Eurasia plate collision, the subduction of the Pacific plate, the continental crust of China has undergone strong deformation and movement, formed the Chinese unique topography, landform and tectonic activity partition characteristics. 中国大陆地处欧亚板块的东南隅,东邻太平洋板块,南有印度板块和菲律宾海板块。由于印度板块与亚欧板块陆陆碰撞,太平洋板块的俯冲,中国大陆地壳发生了强烈的变形和运动,形成了中国大陆独具特色的地形、地貌和构造活动的分区特征。 In February 4, 1975, 7.3 occurred in Haicheng earthquake time:seven forty-nine April 14, 2010, location: Qinghai Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Yushu county. by the end of April 21, 2010 Yushu earthquake, a total of 2064 people were killed, 8000 injured. 截止2010年4月21日,玉树震区共有2064人死亡,8000多人受伤 我国地震预测现状及措施 Status: Chinas earthquake occurrence law principle, be aware of, but is still not fully known; we can for certain types of earthquake make certain extent forecast, but not all earthquakes are predictable, we make a larger time scale of long term forecast has a certain credibility, but the short term and imminent prediction success rate is relatively low. 现状:我国对地震孕育发生的原理、规律有所认识,但还没有完全认识;我们虽能够对某些类型的地震做出一定程度的预报,但还不能预报


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