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怎样写英文演讲稿 如何写好英文演讲稿 writing a speech is in many ways like writing a paper, except that there is no penalty for spelling and punctuation errors. try not to use words you are not comfortable pronouncing or don’t know the meaning of because it can lead to a less fluently delivered speech. 从很多方面来说,写演讲稿就像写论文,但演讲稿却没有像论文那般特别注重单词的拼写与标点的错误。写演讲稿的时候,不要用一些发音不顺畅或是你不明白意思的单词,因为会导致你的演讲不够流畅。 instructions 说明 1.assess how much time your speech should take. if you don’t have a time limit, try to keep your speech brief yet informative. 估算自己演讲所需的时间。如果没有演讲上的时间限制,就尽量让你的演讲篇幅简短且内容丰富。 2.think about your audience and let your perception of the audience shape the tone of your speech as you write it. 站在听众的角度多想想,当你撰写演讲稿时,你要让观众也能在演讲稿中切身体会你的演讲魅力。 3.begin with an introduction that establishes who you are, what your purpose is, what you’ll be talking about and how long you’re going to take. you may want to include a joke, anecdote or interesting fact to grab the audience’s attention. 先介绍自己,以表述演讲目的、演讲主题和演讲时长作为开端。在这段话中,你要说一个笑话、奇闻奇事或趣事来直接引起听众的注意。 4.organize your information into three to seven main points and prioritize them according to importance and effectiveness. 用3-7条大纲组织演讲内容信息,并根据重要性和有效性分清要点主次。 5.delete points that aren’t crucial to your speech if you have too many for your time frame. 假如时间不允许,你可以删减一些演讲中不重要的点。 6.start with your most important point, then go to your least important point and move slowly back toward the most important. for example, if you have five points with no. being the most important and no. 1 being the least important, your presentation order would be 淘宝专业编制 ID:文章团购网 5-1-2-3-4. 从最重要的一点开始你的演讲,之后到次重要点,然后再慢慢回到最重要点上。例如,你的演讲稿中有5点要讲,第5点是其中的重中之重,而第1点是次重要点,你的演讲顺序应为:51234。 7.add support to each point using statistics, facts, examples, anecdotes, quotations or other supporting material. 借助图表、事实、例子、奇闻轶事、引文与其它材料作为演讲点的支撑部分。 8.link your introduction, points and conclusions together with smooth tran


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