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1998年01月语法题 1. Between 1870 and 1890 the total population of tile United States____. (A) that doubled (B) doubled (C) It doubled (D) when doubled 答案: B 分析:题干缺动词,所以空格填谓语,而非从句,选(B) 参考译文:在1870到1890年期间,美国的总人口数量翻了一倍 ? 2. Intended to display the work of twentieth-century artists,_____ in 1929. (A) the opening of the Museum of Modern Art (B) so the Museum of Modern Art opened (C) why tile Museum of Modern Art opened (D) the Museum of Modern Art opened 答案:D 分析:缺主、谓。逗号前为状语成分。所以可以确定选项是主、谓。 (C)明显不对,如果why...是个问句,则必须是why did the Museum...如果是个从句, 整个句子没有主句. B中的so是个conj.连接两个句子,但是前面intended to display不是一个整句,所以不对. 所以,选(D). 参考译文:开放于1929年的现代艺术博物馆,意在向众人展示二十世纪艺术家的作品. ? 3. The Earth has a tremendous amount of water, but____ in the ocean. (A) almost all of it is (B) it is almost all of (C) is of it almost all (D) all is of it almost 答案:A 分析:but前是单句,因此后也应为完整句,只有(A)含主谓 参考译文:地球上有极为丰富的水资源,但是这些水大多存在于海洋水当中 ? 4. ____ have sense organs in a canal known as the lateral line, which allows them to respond to changes in water pressure caused by nearby motion. (A) That tile fish (B) Fish? (C) When fish (D) If tile fish 答案:B 分析:which allows...是一个定语从句,所以前面的肯定是一个完整主句. 缺主语,所以选(B) 参考译文:鱼身体上叫做侧线(lateral line)的管道里有感觉器官,这个感觉器官使得 他们能够感应到周围水域由运动所产生的压力. ? 5. Direct information on the chemical composition of the Moon became available in 1969 ____ of the first Apollo mission to land on the Moon. (A) with the return? (B) returning (C) when returned? (D) and the return 答案:A 分析:句子中谓语动词是became,由此可推断,空里边要填的 1)如果是个谓语的并列成分,必须有并列连词并且是动词的一般过去式,由此(D)错 2)如果是个从句,则必须有完整的主谓宾,(C)中缺主语,(C)不对 剩下(A).和(B). 对于(B)选项,如果放入句中,根本无法确定是做何成分,语义也不对 所以选 (A), with the return of介词短语做状语 参考译文:随着第一次登月的阿波罗行动的完成返航,人们获得有关月球化学成分的 第一手资料. ? 6. ____ completely harmless to the environment is very difficult and usually economically unsound. (A) Cleaning products that (B) Cleaning products are (C) Cleaning products are made (D) Making a cleaning product 答案:D 分析:空格是主语或从句。 (A.)缺谓语动词。 (B).(C) 有两个主动词,中间无任何从句引导词或者并列连词,排除 (


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