Lanuage Study B4 Unit 6.ppt

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Lanuage Study B4 Unit 6

1. multiply: n. v. increase in number or quantity; add a number to itself a particular number of times 增加;乘 2. minute: very small in size or amount极小的;极少的 Article5_W_popwin_minute2 3. Prosperity n. (经济的)繁荣;成功,富足 Adj. prosperous 4. abundance: n. quantity that is more than enough; plenty 5. perception: n. way of seeing or understanding sth.; ability to notice and understand things 看法;感知, 6. nurture: vt. care for and educate (a child); encourage the growth of (sth.); nourish 养育;培育;滋养 Article9_W_popwin_nurturing2 7. distribution: n. n. 分布;分配 v. distribute 8. famine: n. (instance of) extreme scarcity of food in a region饥荒 9. provoke: vt. cause (sth.) to occur or arouse (a feeling, etc.)使产生;引起(某种感情等) 10. Futile a. producing no result; useless; pointless 无效的;无用的;无意义的 11. divert: vt. turn (sb./sth.) aside from a course, direction, etc. into another 使转向;转移 12. Confine n. (usu. pl) boundaries; limits; borders 范围;界限;边界 vt. 限制 1. On the go (infml) very active or busy 繁忙;活动多 2. eat into: gradually reduce the amount of (sth. valuable); damage or destroy吞噬;侵蚀;毁坏 3. in reality: in actual fact; really :? 4. pour in: go into a place quickly and in large numbers : 5. amount to: be equal to; add up to 6. a variety of: a lot of a particular type of (things that are different from each other) 7. Spring up : appear, develop, grow, etc. quickly or suddenly 迅速发展(或生长);突然出现 8. be doomed to: (sth.) be certain to happen, and you can do nothing to prevent it命定;注定 1. Parenthetical Expressions 插入语 2. ….apart 除了。。。以外。 Useful Expressions in the Text Useful Expressions in the Text Discussion Discussion I. Discussion Discussion I. Discussion Discussion I. Discussion Writing Activities Essay Writing 全新版大学英语(IV) * BOOK4 Unit6 multiply, increase add 这几个词都是动词,都有“增加”、“增大”之意。 multiply 常指自然生殖或同类事物的不断重复而造成的增加,也可以指大幅 度或成倍的增加。例如: Rabbits multiply rapi


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