Chapter 5 education.ppt

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Chapter 5 education

Chapter 5 Education, Media and Holidays I. Education 1. Educational Policy 1). The government takes responsibility for education. 2). Education is compulsory for all children between the ages of 5 and 16. 3). All children must receive a fulltime education from age 5 to 16 by law in the UK. 2. Education stages: four 1) primary 2) secondary 3) further education 4) higher education A. primary Education Most primary schools are wholly maintained by the local authorities. Pre-school: age from 3-5 nursery Primary school: age from 5-11 a. state Primary school b. Independent School Courses: Religion, English, Maths, History, Geography, Nature Studies , Hygiene, Art Handicraft, Music and Physical Education, Foreign language B. Secondary Education 1)There are two systems: the state schools the independent schools or public schools 2) age junior high school: 11 to 14 with age senior high school: 14 to 18 3) courses: English, French or German, mathematics, two sciences and history and so on. C. further education After the secondary education , they choose to study for two more years for higher education. D. Higher Education British higher education has a long history. There are five types in higher education: 1) old universities were Established in 12th and 13th : Oxford and Cambridge ,they can be called Oxbridge. It is a term used to refer to the two most famous higher education institutions in Britain. 牛津大学历史悠久,但始建于哪一年,没有人能确切说得出来。牛津大学的创始故事颇为传神,根据当地人的说法,牛津大学创始于1167年,当时英王亨利二世下令禁止英国的神学学生到巴黎大学研究神学或宗教,因而一帮宗教学者及学生慢慢聚集于此,逐渐演变成学院的雏形。换言之,牛津大学的成立是因早期“人才外流”的问题。不过,也有资料表明它的教学活动可追溯到1096年,如果从那时算起,牛津的历史超过了900年。 2) four Scottish universities They had been founded in Scotland before it was united with England to become part of the United Kingdom. They were St. Andrews(1411), Glasgow(1450), Aberdeen(1495) and Edinburgh(1583) 3) the middle-aged universities: were founded in 1830-1930. Durham University, it was the fi



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