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智课网TOEFL备考资料南亚妇女多遭家庭暴力一托福阅读机经背景 International rights activists say South Asian women need more legal protection from violence brought on by their own families. A new report from the United Nations says even in countries with domestic violence laws in place - justice remains out of reach for millions of women. 国际权利活动人士表示,南亚妇女需要更多法律保护,以免遭受自己家庭成员的暴力。联合国一项新的报告指出,即使在有家庭暴力法的国家里,数以百万计的妇女还是无法得到正义。 Laws non existing, or inadequate The report titled In Pursuit of Justice notes that only four South Asian countries - Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, and Bangladesh - have laws specifically prohibiting domestic violence. But even where laws exist, scholars say lack of awareness, poverty, and social stigma often prevent women from accessing legal help. 这篇名为“追求正义”的报告指出,南亚国家中只有斯里兰卡、印度、尼泊尔和孟加拉这4个国家特别为禁止家庭暴力设立了法律。但是学者们说,即使有这些法律,当地妇女往往会由于缺乏认识,贫穷以及在社会上感到羞耻等因素而难以寻求法律协助。 United Nations Women, which was formed last year to focus on gender equality and womens empowerment, points to nearly 90,000 cases of family violence in 2009 here in India alone. The report says 35 percent of Indian respondents surveyed say they have been physically abused by family members. 联合国为促进性别平等和赋予妇女权利在去年成立了“联合国妇女”组织,这个组织指出,光是印度2009年就有将近9万件家庭暴力案件。题为“追求正义”的报告说,35%的印度受访者表示,她们曾经遭到家庭成员的身体虐待。 Madhu Bala Nada is a senior policy advisor to UN Women in India. 联合国妇女组织在印度的高级政策顾问马林.巴拉.纳达说: We have to re-look at the way we have been looking at family as a protective unit, said Madhu Bala Nada. “我们一直把家庭看作是提供保护的地方,现在我们必须重新检讨这个看法。” Hina Jilani is a prominent lawyer and co-founder of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. She agrees South Asian countries should stop behaving as though family matters fall outside the justice system. 希纳.吉拉尼是巴基斯坦人权委员会的联合创办人,也是一位著名律师。她也认为,南亚国家不能再有家务事不受法律约束的行为。 The family has now become the locus of violence, especially against women and children and the whole question of family being the basic unit of society is there in international instruments [of human rights] a


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