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7. I don’t like staying at home. I like going out to play with my friends. (同上) I like going out to play with my friends ______ ______ ______ at home. instead of staying What did your mother do when you were a small child? Write a short passage. A: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to … B: Yes, I do. I think … /No, I don’t. I don’t think … Make a list of things teenagers should and should not be allowed to do. Discuss your list in groups. NO 1. Teenagers should be allowed to … NO 2. … NO 3. … Mom Knows Best English poems 诗歌是一种文学形式。它通过有节奏、韵律的语言反映生活、抒发情感。这一点世界上各种语言通型,英文自然也不例外。 英文诗歌类型多样,比如莎士比亚的十四行诗等。但总体来说,从现代英文诗歌韵脚特征上来看,可以分成有韵脚诗和无韵脚诗两类。有韵脚诗歌往往两行押一元音韵脚,甚至多行押一元音韵脚,每行无论文字多少重音节趋于相同,富于节拍性,读来有较强的节奏感;无韵脚诗不强调行尾韵脚,无需考虑押韵的问题,且每行长短有别,因此其节拍性不如有韵脚诗那么强。但是无韵脚诗并非全无节奏,它往往通过相同的语句结构和反复重复的元、辅音发音进行弥补,令人读来别有一番情趣。本单元Mom knows best 即为无韵脚诗。 Do you knom your mom well? disscuss (1)?What’s your mom’s hobby? (2)?Are?you getting on well with your mom? (3)?What are you allowed to do by your mom? Read the whole poem(诗歌 ), answer the question: Skimming What does the title?“Mom Knows Best”?mean? A.?Mom knows?I’m the best. B.?Mom knows she’s the best. C.?Mom knows what’s the best for me. . Read the whole poem(诗歌 ) , number the information(1----5). Careful reading(细读) A. Please be back by ten. B. make sure I’m safe and keep me from danger. C. no ice-cream. D. It’d give me alful dreams. E. sang to me and stayed by my side. 5 2 3 4 1 Read the whole poem(诗歌 ) , fill in the chart. Time What happened What mom did and said My reactions (反应) The results Tiny baby crying all night two B seven coughed for days nine seven -teen talked back Careful reading(细读) Running through the field Coughing badly Watching scary movies Going out with friends E C D A Talked back loudly Shouted back angrily had scary dreams late for school Read the whole passage(短文), fill in the blanks: . a.?当我两岁在田间奔跑的时候,她确保我远离危险,保证我的安全。 When?I?was two__


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