新概念英语第二册第53 课.ppt

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新概念英语第二册第53 课

第 二册 unit 3 Lesson 53 hot snakes ----by房霞 hot adj 带电的,充电的 hot热的,hot-hot-hot:麻辣烫 hot-wings:辣鸡翅 hot-tempered:火暴(脾气)的 hot line:热线 hot topic:热门话题 hot cake:热蛋糕 hot dog:热狗 it sells like a hot cake/cakes hot新鲜的 best seller:畅销的东西 hot potato棘手的问题 hot news最热点的新闻 hot snake触电的蛇 hydrant:消防栓 fire extinguisher:灭火器 extinguish (v)=put out:灭火 fireman n 消防队员 cause v;n 引起 2原因 examine v 检查 hydrant:消防栓 fire extinguisher:灭火器 extinguish=put out:灭火 fireman n 消防队员 cause v;n 引起 2原因 examine v 检查 cause sth:引起麻烦 Carelessness causes accidents。 粗心导致事故 Pride causes failure 骄傲使人失败 cause sb to do sth illness caused him to lose his temper because:因为 be cause reason:理由,cause:原因 cause:强调事情发生的直接原因 reason:其他种的理由 examine the soil check:核实,核对 accident-》accidental-》 accidentally accidentally=by chance accident:事故 unexpectedly:出乎意料地 remains指dead body solve the mystery solve the problem mystery(无法接受地,解释不了) catch: hold snatch:(突然抓起来) seize:抓住(用力) seize my arm 现在完成进行时:1.强调动作完成性和延续性 have been trying to eg: I have been thinking it over. 我一直在想这事 (表明现在还没定呢,未果) 2.表示从过去某时某刻到现在此刻的反复动作 Weve been talking about this the whole year! 一年以来我们都在谈论此事 put out a fire扑灭火 a fire一场(堆)火 since then 从那时起到现在为止 cigarette ends烟头 be sure that:对...很有把握 quite sure:相当的把握性 rather:相当 fairly quite(=completely)-》rather-》fairly 程度一个比一个轻 quite a few颇有几个(相当多的) start a fire=cause a fire accidentally(by chance):偶然地 unexpectedly cause:直接原因 notice:注意别人没注意的东西 wind ones way:蜿蜒而行 wind:盘旋,缠绕in this way:以这种方式 explanation:解释 do so:这么做 I refuse to do so我拒绝这么做 send+宾补 down to the ground get a electric shock now that既然 special difficulties quiet adj 安静的 quite adv 相当地,非常地,很 现在完成时 1.强调已有结果 I have thought it over (表明已有自己想法了) 2.表示一个动作的总和 I have seen 255 Hollywood movies. (成就) beg for sth:乞求什么东西 drop/fall drop vt fall vi 刻


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