chap2 三角分解.ppt

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chap2 三角分解

LU 分解求解线性方程组 (LU Factorization for solving the linear equation) 求解三对角方程组的追赶法 Thomas method for tridiagonal linear system 求解正定方程组的Cholesky方法 Cholesky method for linear system with positive definite matrix A 回顾:对称正定阵A的几个重要性质 (1)A?1 亦对称正定,且 aii 0 (2)A 的顺序主子阵 Ak 亦对称正定, det ( Ak ) 0 (3)A 的特征值 ?i 0 定理: (Cholesky分解)设矩阵A对称正定,则存在唯一的对角元全为正的下三角阵L使得 A=LLT * 直接三角分解法 (Matrix Factorization method for linear equation) 基本思想: 如果将线性方程组Ax=b的系数矩阵A分解成两个三角矩阵L和U,即A=LU, 则: Ideal: If A has been factored into the triangular Form A=LU for linear equation Ax=b,then we Can solve for x by using a two-step Process. That is Ly=b and Ux=y 高斯消元法的矩阵形式 (The matrix form of Guassian elimination process) 每一步消去过程相当于左乘初等变换矩阵Lk Multiplying Ak on the left by the matrix Lk in kth step Step1: A 的 LU 分解 ( LU factorization ) 定理: 若A的所有顺序主子式 均不为0,则 A 的 LU 分解唯一(其中 L 为单位下三角阵)。 证明:从上面分析可知A存在LU 分解。下面证明唯一性。 若不唯一,则可设 A = L1U1 = L2U2 ,推出 上三角矩阵 对角线上为1的下三角矩阵 ? Theorem: If the leading principal of the matrix A is not equal to zero, then there exist unique lower-triangular matrix L and upper-triangular matrix U such that A=LU 注1(Remark1) So Gauss elimination can be performed 注2: (1) L 为单位下三角阵而 U 为一般上三角阵 的分解称为Doolittle分解 (2) L 为一般下三角阵而 U 为单位上三角阵 的分解称为Crout分解。 Remark 2: (1) The factorization is called Doolittle’s method if 1 is be on the diagonal of L. (2) The factorization is called Crout’s method if 1 is be on the diagonal of U. Gauss列主元消去法消元过程的矩阵描述 Matrix form of Guass elimination with partial pivoting 由于Gauss列主元消去法每一步都要选取列主元,因此不可避免要进行行交换 表示不换行 Then If iterchanges is needed between the kth row and the row in the Guass elimination process let 因此,Gauss列主元消去法的消元过程为 : let Then Upper-triangular matrix The perturbation matrix 定理: Theorem: For any nonsingular matrix A, there Exist a permutation matrix P, a low-triangul


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