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Let’s enjoy a short vedio about the Beijing Man at Zhoukoudian Part 1 The Amazing Caves of Zhoukoudian Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 Where Beijing Man lived; Evidence found: life span; fire using; tool making; The iportance of the relics; The location of Zhoukoudian; Futher discoveries; Part 2 Beijing Man Heritage Site in Danger Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 Para.6 Causes of the destruction; The importance of Zhoukoudian; UNESCO demands; The cost of repairing the site; How to protect the site; Discussion: What can we do for the World’s Cultural Heritage in China or in Hainan? Homework: 1. Search the Internet to get more information about the World Cultural Heritage and write a composition about what we can do for the World Cultural Heritage. 2. Read the passage again and again, try to find out the problems you have and then preview the next lesson: Grammar Subjunctive. II phrases 1 on the northern face of Dragon Bone Hill 在龙骨山的北坡 on the south of the Qomolangma 在珠穆朗玛峰南坡 2 even so 即使这样 It was cold, but even so we enjoyed the garden party. 虽然天气很冷, 但我们仍然有个愉快的游园会. 3. contribute to doing sth 有助于,导致 A proper amount of exercises contributes to good health. 适度运动有助于健康. contribute vt.vi. 捐献;起作用,有助于;投稿, 做出贡献 contribute ideas( money, an article ) 出主意(捐款,投稿) contribute…to (doing) sth. 把…贡献给 make a contribution(contributions) to (doing) sth 对…做出贡献 He contributed an article to the China Daily 他为《中国日报》撰写一篇文章. 4. raise/increase awareness of 唤醒…的意识 The campaign aims to raise awareness of the dangers of passive smoking. 这项运动旨在使人们意识到被动吸烟的危害. 5. be of vital importance =be important be of + value= be valuable be+importance=be important be of +use = be useful be+ of significance= be significant Their clothes are of the same color. The two stamps are of different sizes. IV 句型. 1)主语+recommend(insist, order, command, advise, ?? suggest, propose, demand, require, request, demand…) +“should+动词原形”(should也可省略) 注:suggest作“暗示,表明”讲,宾语从句不用虚拟语气.


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