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酒店前厅打字服务标准操作规程 Guest Expectation 客人期望:If I request typing services, I expect the task to be professionally executed in accordance with international business standards, the same as it is done in my own office. 如果需要打字服务,我希望得到国际商务标准,专业化的服务,如同在我自己的办公室一般。Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么该任务对你和我们的客人都很重要?Answers回答: The guest wants a professionally typed business communication service in accordance with international business standards. 客人得到国际商务标准的,专业化的商务打印服务。The guest wants to receive a good quality copy of the communication. 客人希望得到高质量打印服务。I want to feel confident in delivering the service our guests expect. 我有信心提供客人期待的服务。We are able to increase the GSTS score by delivering service professional. 我们能够通过提供专业化服务来提高客人满意度。 STEPS步骤 How / Standards标准 Welcome 欢迎 Welcome the guest and ask them courteously how you may be of assistance. 欢迎客人并礼貌地询问如何提供帮助。 “How I help you?“ “我能帮你忙吗? Show the guest to a private area if necessary. 如果有必要,可引领客人至个人专用区。 2) Check校对 Check the assignment before accepting the work. 接受任务之前先核实任务内容。 If you are not able to complete the task, ask for help from your Supervisor. 如果不能完成任务,请主管帮忙。 Obtain the guest’s name and room number. 获取客人姓名及房号。 3) Charges资费 Advise the guest of the cost and completion time. 告知客人价格及完成时间。 Type carefully and accurately. 细心,准确无误地打字。 4) Control 校对 Proof the quality of the copy. 校对打印稿。 5) Presentation呈文 Place the typed pages as well as the guest’s original document in an envelope. 把打好的文件与客人原件一起放入信封。 6) Delivery交付 Ask a Bellman to send it to the guest’s room or clarify with the guest whether they want it retained at the Business Center for collection. 让请将打字文件送至客人房间或与客人核实是否须要将打字文件保留在商务中心,等待领取。 7) Log 登记 Record in the ‘Typing Log Sheet’ by date, guest name and room number. 按日期客人姓名及房号在“打印登记簿”上做记录。 8) Payment of outhouse, Restaurant or Conference guest 参加会议或用餐的非住店客人的付款 If the guest is not staying in the hotel, ensure you receive an immediate payment or a charge is made to the conference bill. (Check function sh


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