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编号: 毕业设计说明书 题 目: 学  院: 专 业: 学生姓名: 学 号: 0801130503 指导教师: 尚 玉 玲 职 称: 副研究员 题目类型:(理论研究 (实验研究 (工程设计 (工程技术研究 (软件开发 2012年5月20日 摘 要 城市路灯照明是人们日常生活中必不可少的公共设施。路灯照明的耗电量约占总耗电量的15%,全国各地无不面对电力的紧张带来的各种问题。面对供电紧张形势,路灯巡查对于市政部门来讲是一项需要耗费大量的人力的工作,各种临时应急节电措施被广泛采用;如时间控制路灯的开关时间,亮度控制路灯的亮度,人体感应来控制路灯的开关等等智能系统被广泛的应用。这样的节电措施,在缓解用电紧张的同时,却带来资源的浪费和对人们日常生活的负面影响。缓解用电紧张的最佳和有效的办法是对用电实施智能化管理,减少浪费,使我们的每一度电都能物尽其用! 本设计是以STC12C5A60S2为主控器的模拟路灯控制系统。采用LCD1602显示时间和控制模式,系统可通过定时设定,对控制路灯的开启和关闭;同时通过光敏传感器感应环境明暗的变化来调节灯的亮度功能,通过红外热释传感器感应是否有人通过来控制路灯的开关。并且当路灯出现故障时,能够声光报警。还能红外遥控系统控制路灯系统的开关。实现了路灯控制系统的智能化。 本设计的智能路灯监控系统设计新颖、具有结构简单、安装方便、使用安全可靠等优点,符合国家产业政策,具有明显的节能效果,对构建节约型社会具有积极意义,社会效益显著。 关键词:STC12C5A60S2;定时设计;声光报警;智能化 Abstract City street lamp lighting is necessary in peoples daily life of the public facilities. Street lamp lighting power consumption accounted for about 15% of total power consumption, all over the country have to confront all kinds of problems which caused by the tension of power. Facing the power supply tensions, street lamp patrol for municipal department is a job that needs to consume a large amount of manpower. A variety of temporary emergency power saving measures are widely used, Such as using time to control switching time of the street lamps, though luminance to control street lamp brightness, with human body induction to control the street lamp switches and so on. These intelligent system has been widely applied. Such power saving measures can alleviate the shortage of electric power at the same time, but give rise to the waste of resources and bring negative influence to peoples daily life. The best and effective approach to ease the tension of electric power is implementing intelligent management for electric, reducing the waste and making every once electricity can be used. This design uses STC12C5A60S2 as the main controller to analog street light control system. Using


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