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Tr1: Scholars are not superstitious about lucky or unlucky days but like to act according to reason; so he had no time to say good-bye in person. Tr. 2: A scholar should not concern himself with almanacs, but should act as the situation demands… and there wasn’t time to say goodbye E.g. 今儿得罪了我的事小,倘或明儿“宝姑娘”来,什么“贝”姑娘来,也得罪了,事情岂不大了? Tr1. It doesn’t matter their offending me, but think what trouble there’ll be if next time they offender your precious Baochai! Tr2. IT’s a good job it was only me they were rude to. If Miss Bao or Miss Cow were to call and they behaved like that to her, that would be really serious. E.g. How to Fat-proof your child. 如何使你的小孩防“胖”于未然。 (2)仿句 由于仿句的特点是仿拟现成的句式,被仿拟的句式与仿拟出来的句式结构上大体相同,因此,翻译仿句时要考虑读者对被仿拟句的熟练程度,如果被仿拟部分不是日常语言,则应以某种形式让读者了解原文的仿句修辞格特点 E.g. 我成日家和人说笑,有个唐僧取经,就有个白马来驮着他;刘智远打天下,就有个瓜精来送盔甲;有个凤丫头,就有个你! Tr: Just as you can’t imagine a Tripitaka going off to India to fetch the scriptures without his white horse or a Liu Zhiyuan conquering the empire without a Spirit of the Melon to give him his armour, so you can’t imagine a Wang Xifeng without a Patience alongside helping her. (3)仿篇 仿篇是在保持原文基本结构的基础上通过改变部分词语或句子而得到的一种变体。它既是模仿又是创造。 E.g. 焚花散麝,而闺阁使人含其劝矣,戕宝钗之仙姿,灰黛玉之灵窍,丧灭情意,而闺阁之美恶始相类矣,彼含其劝,则无参商之虞矣;戕其仙姿,无恋爱之心矣;灰其灵窍,无才思之情矣。彼钗、玉、花、麝者,皆张其罗而穴其隧,所以迷惑缠陷天下者也。 Burn the flower (xiren) , get rid of the musk (Sheyue),and those in the inner apartment will keep their advice to themselves. Spoil the beauty of the precious trinket (Baochai), dull the intelligence of the black jade (Daiyu),do away with affection, and in the inner chambers fair and foul will then be on an equal footing. Advice kept to oneself does away with the danger of discord; beauty marred obviates affection; intelligence dulled cuts out admiration for talents. For trinket, jade, flower and musk are alike spreading nets and laying traps to ensnare and bewitch all man under heaven. Parady Definition (piece of) writing intended to amuse by imitating the style of writing used by somebody else. (通过摹仿别人的写


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