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小儿腹泻病 湖南省儿童医院消化科 游洁玉 一、概念 腹泻病(diarrheal disease)是由多病原、多因素引起的一组疾病,主要是有大便性状改变与大便次数比平时增多,在未明确病因前,统称为腹泻病,是我国婴幼儿最常见的消化道综合征。6个月~2岁婴幼儿发病率高,1岁以内约占半数,是造成小儿营养不良、生长发育障碍和死亡的主要原因之一。1982年,石家庄会议把腹泻病分为感染性与非感染性腹泻. Definition diarrheal disease is a group of diseases caused by multiple pathogens,mainly defined as an increase in the frequency and the water content of stools. Diarrhea is the most common gastrointestinal syndrome of infants in our country. For 6 months to 2 years old infants the incidence rate is high, 1 year old infants accounted for about 50%,Diarrhea is one of the main cause of infant malnutrition, growth retardation and death. In 1982, the Shijiazhuang conference classified the diarrheal disease into infectious and non infectious diarrhea. 二、病程分类classification 1、急性腹泻病(acute diarrheal disease): 病程在2周以内 (within 2 weeks) 2、迁延性腹泻病(persistent diarrheal disease): 病程在2周-2个月 (2 weeks-2 months) 3、慢性腹泻(chronic diarrheal disease): 病程在2个月以上。 (over 2 weeks) classification 1、感染性腹泻:infectious diarrhea. 痢疾、霍乱、其他感染性腹泻. Dysentery, cholera, and other infectious diarrhea. 2、非感染性腹泻:non infectious diarrhea. 食饵性(饮食性)腹泻病 症状性腹泻病 过敏性腹泻病等. allergic diarrhea. 四、流行病学epidemiology 小儿腹泻病为第三世界国家小儿第一位常见多发病,死因在我国居第二位。1986年对广东等七省妇糼卫生示范县及北京市的流行病学调查,发现5岁以下小儿急性腹泻年发病率为201.46%,平均年发病次数为2.01±0.03次/人,平均死亡率为0.51‰。1988年21省入户调查发现5岁以下小儿发病率为每年0.86-3.9次/人,平均为每年2.5次/人。 Infantile diarrhea is the most common desease in third world countries,and is the second causes causing death in China. In 1986, seven provinces,including Guangdong province, made an epidemiological investigation, found that children ,under 5 years old,the annual incidence rate of the acute diarrhea was 201.46%, the average annual incidence rate is 2.01±0.03 / person, the average mortality rate was 0.51 per thousand. In 1988, investigation found that children under 5 years old the incidence rates was about 0.86-3.9 times/ person, an average rate of 2.5 t


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