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女汉子(wo-man) Although their appearance or woman and women there is no difference, but a rung separates settlement and man, so she also has the characteristics of the man. 虽然外表上还是和女性woman没有区别,但是一条横杠把wo和man隔开了,由此说明她也具备man的特点 。 What wo-man is ? 。 Wo-man, is refers to the general behavior and personality is the category of women to men Wo-man is usually used to describe the appearance is a woman but character masculinity girl. In August 2013, a Russian called Julia called Vins photos on the Internet. The girl in the photo has a delicate face, but the muscle is quite rich, strong arms and developed biceps, were very surprise netizen, netizens call: most of the female man. It is angelic face, devils body 这简直是天使般的长相,魔鬼般的身材 The way wo-man exercise 1 water bottles wont unscrew, fighting will not help 矿泉水瓶拧不开,会较劲而不是求助 2 when the weather is too hot, at home will be naked“ 2天气太热时,会在家里“裸奔” 3 often send out when the girl good trouble“ 时常发出“当女生好麻烦”的感慨 4 love lifted up her head pour the bag of potato chips to the mouth Online wo-man standard 喜欢仰着头把袋里的薯片往嘴里倒 5 or chat online like swearing at ordinary times 平时或网上聊天喜欢说脏话 6 Also willing to eat 6 summer without air conditioning old hot pot 夏天也愿意去吃没有空调的老火锅 7 can change their drinking machine bucket 能自己换饮水机水桶 Online wo-man standard 8 love playing warcraft, LOL, etc 爱玩魔兽争霸、英雄联盟等网络游戏 9 time too evening wash gargle to go to bed directly 时间太晚会不洗漱直接上床睡觉 10 love makeup, very few 不爱化妆,很少自拍 Online wo-man standard 11 With the boy, its easy to become the elder brothers 跟男生很容易成为“哥们” 12 When eating out like cross your legs or shake a leg 在外吃饭时喜欢跷二郎腿或抖腿 13 Think shopping shopping is a kind of trouble 觉得逛街购物是种麻烦 14 Little into the barber shop, salon or beauty salon, etc 很少进理发店、美甲店或美容院等 15 Eating an apple is usually clean eating directly 吃苹果通常是洗干净直接啃 16 Dont wash your hair at home often do not wash my face 在家的时候经常不洗脸不洗头 17 Travel luggage carried himself 外出旅游行李自己扛 18 Girls dont like little shyness hair dia, fe


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