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教学目标(Objectives) 1 To know the main idea of Reading,to understand feeling and opinions. 2 To know language points Dancing phrases 1.in Year 8 2.a mixed school 3.learn how to cook and sew 4.how to do things for myself 5.healthy and tasty meals Beijing Sunshine Secondary School 北京阳光中学 1.read the most books 读的书最多 2.bring in books and magazines 从家里带来书和杂志 3.near the end of each class 在每节课快要结束的时候 4.talk to our classmates about our books 和我的同班同学谈论关于我们的书 5.have a great time talking to each other 彼此交谈的很开心 Woodland School 伍德.兰德学校 Rocky Mountain High School岩山中学 in 9th grade 在9年级 play softball 打垒球 in the Buddy Club 在伙伴俱乐部 enjoy this a lot 很喜欢 a senior in 12th grade 12年级的毕业生 6 我们所读的东西 what we are reading 7 花大量时间做事 spend a lot of time doing 每周两次 twice a week Skimming: 1 Whose school life is the passage(1) about? It’s about John’s school life 2 Whose school life is the passage(2) about? It’s about Nancy’s school life T:Today we are going to read two passages about school life. Please don’t look at your books. Tell me , if you are talking about school life, what will you refer to? S1: Subjects. S2: After-school activities. T: Anything else? S: Friends. Where are their schools? What do they like in the school? True or false 4 Nancy is a girl of 16 . ( ) 5 Nancy’s brother’s name is Tom. ( ) 6 Jim drives Nancy to school now. ( ) Life in a British school? 1Which school is John in? Where is it ? 2Which subject does he like best? 3What does he like doing? 4What school activity does he have every year? 5What can they do during the reading week? Life in an American school Which school is Nancy in? Where is it ? What kind school is it? Who sends her to school every day? How often does he play softball? What does he do every Monday? What


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