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English Literature Week one introduction Why learn Literature? Knowledge amusement further study Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. What to learn? basic concepts, literary schools, writers and their works, History, philosophy, psychology, aesthetics and other disciplines to help learn literature How to learn? Be a ready reader background knowledge, the work itself Be an active reader read, think, discuss, and even write sth. on an author or the work you are interested in. Evaluation of your performance Attendance in-class activity 20% Mid-term Paper 20% Final examination 60% Contents Part I Ancient Literature Part II Medieval Literature Part III Renaissance Literature Part IV Literature in 17th Century Part V Literature in 18th Century Part VI Literature in 19th Century Part VII Literature in 20th Century Ancient Literature The two origins of European culture: A. Greek and Roman Origin B. Judeo-Christian Origin To explore the origin, you will find the answers of many questions and mysteries on literature. A. Greek and Roman Origin 1. Greek and Roman Mythology Old Pedigree: Chaos---Uranus Gae--- 12 Titans , 3 Giants and 3 Furies; Cronus Rhea---Zeus, Poseidon and Hades New Pedigree: (MAJOR) Zeus (King of Olympus, Jupiter), Hera (Queen, Juno), Poseidon (God of the Sea, Neptune), Hades (God of the Underworld, Pluto), Hestia (goddess of family, Vesta), Demeter (goddess of agriculture, Ceres), Athena (Goddess of war and wisdom, Minerva), Apollo (God of the sun, Apollo), Ares (God of war, Mars), Hephaestus (God of fire, Vulcan), Hermes (Messenger, Mercury), Aphrodite (Goddess of love, Venus), Artemis (Goddess of the moon, Diana) 2. Epics: Homer’s epics Iliad (the story of the 10-year Trojan war) and Odyssey (the adventure of the hero Odyssey’s returning home and the reunion with his faithful wife) 3. Fables: Ae


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